Scamland: Promises That Will Never be Kept
I see my fair share of ridiculous ads, perhaps because I am involved in blockchain and crypto, and there's an almost automatic assumption these days that blockchain and crypto is associated with sketchy ”get rich quick programs.
Recently I saw something claiming that you can "make thousands of dollars a month just from walking."
As always, the ads are somewhat hyped in their tone and the business model doesn't actually seem to have anything to do with you getting paid for walking, but for being served endless advertising while you're walking.
The first thing that comes to mind about this whole thing is how we are talking about web3 and crypto/blockchain being the next iteration of how we do things; the new generation of how we do business.
And yet?
So many of these businesses that hold themselves forward to be part of the new web3 movement are actually relying entirely on the *conventional model of generating revenue by selling advertising.
That's a bit depressing.
The whole thing sounds a little bit scammy to me, along with the proliferation of little bot games that allegedly will allow you to get paid to play.
Of course, apologists for the web3 movement tend to stand up and talk about how we are "reinventing how people make money," and we are reinventing the marketplace.
I don't have any doubts that you might be reinventing the logistics and physical characteristics of the marketplace, but a market is still a market. At least, I'd like to think so.
A market involves trading something for something. I have apples and you have paint and we trade. Likely, we have a medium of exchange because you don't always need apples to make a pie at the same time as I need to use paint. That medium of exchange might be fiat, crypto or bottle caps for all I care.
The thing a lot of people - and the world of web three - seem to believe is that we can somehow take something that has no value and declare that it has value. Which, from where I'm sitting, looks ever so much like ”money for nothing.”
So then we get back to the beginning of this whole line of thinking, and trying to figure out why it is that somebody walking around in a circle - which in the past might have been seen as a sign of insanity - now suddenly is supposed to have value, and warrant getting paid for.
From time to time we talk about the so-called "attention economy." If I can get you to pay attention to something, it has value. Whereas that is a nice theory we still need to look at why it has value.
Which brings us right back to advertising. Getting "paid to play" has value because it provides somebody with a captive audience to receive a sales pitch. This, in turn, is not very different from what we already had back in the late 1990s where people would get paid to watch commercials online.
Of course it was typically a model that failed because the revenue generated was seldom enough to get anybody to actually watch the commercials and the people who are watching commercials purely for money were seldom very good consumers because their motivation wasn't to find a product, but to get paid.
So I don't know where this whole thing's gonna end, but for now I'm mostly going to watch from the sidelines and see how the circus unfolds!
Thanks for stopping by the blog, and have a great weekend!
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Created at 2024-08-18 01:43 PDT
Before I found this blockchain I played with various things that gave away tiny amounts of crypto, but they mostly relied on intrusive advertising. I decided they were not worth my time. I just wonder how much advertisers will pay for that. They have to target their spending where it may actually translate into sales and people who are desperate for pennies will not be spending big bucks. Anything that is too easy to earn is likely to have low value. I have to tell some people on Hive that they need to put in some work.
I suppose the lure of easy money is an almost built-in part of human nature, and so there are a great many sketchy characters out there, waiting to prey on that attribute.
You've been here long enough to remember the early days of this project, when a lot of people were calling this a scam because there were people getting $100s for relatively simple posts.
Aside from those getting paid from the DHF or their dApps, there aren't a whole lot of people in this ecosystem actually "making a living" from creating content... a handful of change, more likely, which is much like creators everywhere else.
It just saddens me that there are more than a few Web3 evangelists out there who are hell bent on portraying Web3/crypto as "money for nothing." Makes life a bit harder for everyone else.
Hope you had a good weekend!
I know a few people still make a good amount here. I don't do too bad as I have built up a nice stake, but I always say that anyone can make something, and that is a rare thing online. It just takes some effort and you need to be honest as those who try to cheat the system tend to get found out.
The early days were crazy with some posts making many thousands. I made cents back then, but I could see the potential.
I just hope that a few more people will give Hive a go to see what it can do for them.
I've been out working in the garden. It's tiring.
By what I have seen is we are the product, every medium you use stores data, that is sold onto the next. Think about how your number, name and details are out there?
Every profession is doing this you mention to your doctor in "confidence" someone has "depression" next thing your email starts receiving almost daily adverts to join this or that online place to assist you. This is simply an example, could be bank, insurance, well almost anywhere telephone accounts?
Yearn for the days where an honest trade is performed, you know where you stand with a telephone being answered by a human, where did the notion come from, people exist with no numeracy, literacy, thinking, free speech, where each will be tomorrow....
Yeah the easy crypto money for nearly nothing wears thin. Yet many still pooh-pooh the age old idea of selling a valuable product for a profit. It may be a bit harsh for some of the snowflakes, but profit is not a bad thing.