"Political Season" is Annoying and Knows No Limits!

The political circus here in the USA is in full swing!

Not really interested in getting into the political philosophy of it all — I have long since grown weary of all the name-calling and mudslinging — more concerned with the overall approach of things political in this country.


For example — and this is foremost on my mind, after sifting through my inbox this morning — political campaigns seem to have absolutely no limits on how much they can spam potential voters.

Clearly, I "got on a mailing list" somewhere, and sometimes I get as much as a dozen strident and "panic filled" messages from a party/candidate within any given 24-hour period. You'd think the whole world was about to END!

But here's the thing: Very little of all that is about the actual politics, it's all about "SEND US MONEY!!!!!"

To be honest — just based on the emails I get — I really don't know anything much about the candidates besides the fact that THEY WANT MONEY!!!


Which is not exactly confidence inspiring.

"If you can just send $47!" they say. $47 is the the lowest amount of a number of options, going up to $1,000 or more.

I'm sorry, but I need that $47; it will pay half my Internet bill. Almost...

I hasten to point out, though, that this isn't just about getting email.

Our actual mailbox is also jam packed with pamphlets and appeals and advertising for political candidates. Poor trees... Entire forests gave their lives so some talking heads could send me a new postcard or mailer, every other day.


And then there are the phone calls.

Clearly, political marketing is somehow exempt from the broader rules of telemarketing and do not have to heed any kind of "do not call list" out there. Or... they are simply circumventing them by having private individuals — aka volunteers — do the calling.

"Can we have just THREE MINUTES of your time to answer this important (and incredibly biased) survey about the US economy?"

No, you may not. Go away.

The amount of money spent every year on political campaigning is probably enough that every single lower income person in the country could get a nice "stimulus check," instead.

Last I checked, about six billion dollars were received by politicians and PACs in 2023. That's a lot of money.


Perhaps I wouldn't even have felt motivated to write this, were it not for the fact pretty much the least talked about thing in this entire shitshow is what each candidate actually represents and stands for.

The best I can determine is that pretty much all candidates run on a platform of "my opponent is a bumbling idiot who'll destroy the country/state/city if elected."

Which actually doesn't tell anyone squat about anything.

But — to bring the bunny back around — it was this same circus, eight years ago, that indirectly led me to discover Hive, because I was just so disgusted with the vitriolic spewing on Facebook and other social media.

Yeah, that's me... trying to find a silver lining!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week ahead!

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Created at 2024.10.21 13:45 PDT



People who disagree with me are dangerous, ignorant monsters who associate with ideas you don't like. Vote for me if you like puppies and sunshine.


But of course! I will Master Jacob, I will!

Shades of junior high: I can't be friends with you because you're friends with Bob, and Bob is friends with Sally whose brother is my mortal enemy!"


If you think tariffs or price controls will control inflation, if you think Putin is a good guy or a bad guy, if you think rednecks are murderous xenophobes or human beings just like you. Crazy! I can't take it anymore! Why on earth do people want to think the things they do?


That's how I came to hive too , six years ago, only I was escaping Facebook. Politics I was still into. Eventually I could see what you see, same platforms, same arguments, same solutions, and no one talking about what really matters to me.


Sometimes it almost feels like there's s contest to see WHO CAN SHOUT THE LOUDEST and be the most obnoxious and disagreeable while generally ignoring reality.

I'd rather be here...


I abandoned FB four years ago because of all the politics PLUS the arguing about Covid. It's true, the politicians rarely tell us what they really stand for any more. They just complain about the opposition. We don't answer the landline unless we recognize someone's voice who is leaving a message, so we don't get the political phone calls. I have gotten a few texts and emails, which I deleted and marked as spam, and a few pamphlets in the mailbox which I throw away.
