Maybe We WILL Have Winter, After All!
It has been a remarkably warm and wet late fall and early winter around these parts. We had even gotten so far as to think that we might make it through this winter without real winter showing up. A winter without snow happens about 1/4 of the time.
But it looks like that's not going to happen!
The weather people are now predicting that we could have between zero and 90 inches of snow by this weekend, and the temperature could be somewhere between 15° and 50°.
Okay, so I'm only half kidding. But the weather forecast does call for a few snow flurries, come this weekend. I guess that means goodbye to the fresh greens in our garden that we have been nursing along for a while and really enjoying. Nothing like freshly picked arugula in December and January.
Just to clarify, it's not that I really mind winter, except for the fact that our fuel bills tend to get extremely high.
Thinking about seasons got me to thinking about how seasons are a good reflection not only of our lives but of so many things around us in the world.
Consider the fact, even, that we have been in a "crypto winter" for quite a while and we just had some fresh snowfall earlier today!
And that's one of the things about seasons, isn't it? ,
Sometimes they drag on longer than expected, and sometimes they just drag on and on and on and on and on. Sometimes the seasons of our lives seem to drag on and on and on and on, and we experience setbacks that are supposedly temporary, and yet they stay with us like a wet blanket that just won't go away.
When I was growing up back in Denmark I remember my parents sometimes kidding around about the fact that it seemed like we got spring and then it went directly into autumn without any summer in between. "Summer fell on a Tuesday!" my dad would say. That, too, was only a half-joke.
I can't help but think that there are people whose lives unfold in such a way that they experience the hopefulness of spring, but they never actually get to experience a summer. They go directly on to their fall and winter. Or maybe there's some summer that only lasts for a couple of weeks.
When I think about it in those terms, it's not surprising that we have a lot of folks in our world who are disillusioned about their lot in life!
Is anything or anyone really to blame for how our lives turn out?
To continue the metaphor, sometimes we have perfectly good and viable seeds, and we sow them at the right time in spring, and we water and tend them and yet... nothing ever grows.
Conversely, sometimes we accidentally drop a handful of seeds on what seems like fairly barren ground and through a series of coincidences we end up with a bumper crop growing where nobody thought anything could possibly grow!
Given such randomness, it seems to me like we actually have very little control over the outcome of anything. We can just apply the best knowledge we have, and then hope.
My hope is that once this winter has passed that we will have a mild and sunny spring and then a great summer that will give a good harvest!
And I'm not just talking about a vegetable garden, I'm talking about our investments, and I'm talking about our lives in general!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week ahead!
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Created at 2024-01-08 01:31 PST
To quote Led Zeppelin, "upon us all, a little rain must fall".
But it does seem some get more snow than others, often beyond their control.
We have nobody to blame how our life eventually turn out. Because we live the life the way we want our life to actually be
We just need to keep reflecting about our life and keep bouncing back from what we ought to have wanted to work out but didn't it