Locations and Buildings as Energy Sinks
Most of us have probably experienced unexpectedly feeling tired when there seems to be no tangible reason for it.
For the past three days, Mrs. Denmarkguy and I have been at a ghost hunting event in nearby Port Gamble. I'm not personally into the whole "woo-woo" thing; my whole reason for being there was to sell my artwork in the vendor area.
But it was a ghost conference so the venue chosen was the old theater which has long been declared to be haunted.
Whether it is or not that is true, one of things that is true is that the building is exhausting to be in. We leave here at the end of the day, feeling totally exhausted. And it's not just "a day of vending" speaking, because we attend many events and much longer days are not tiring!
As I look around, I can even see a couple of fellow vendors trying hard to not nod off during slow periods.
Of course there could easily be "scientific" reasons for how we feel in certain buildings or locations; we've likely all heard of "toxic buildings." This building just have a very heavy vibe. Sound too woo-woo for you?
Speaking to that, most of us have likely also experienced being in the company of a particular person and thinking "I'm getting a really bad vibe from this person!" We're not exactly sure why, but we are very aware of the sensation. Similarly, we might know someone we think of as an "energy vampire."
What if a building — even if it is basically an inanimate object — could be an energy vampire, or something along those lines?
The building we just spent three days in certainly feels like an energy vampire...
As an interesting — and potentially relevant — aside, we learned at the very last moment that the basement of the theater had actually served as the the town morgue for many years!
Anyway, being in the building seemed very tiring... but it took no more than maybe 30 minutes away — on the way home — for some of the heaviness to lift, and even though we still had worked for a full day, we actually felt more energetic when we got home an hour later than we had even halfway through the day.
Sadly, we did not make a lot of money at the event, basically making it yet another case of "Good enough to go, not bad enough to blow it off."
Whether we will choose to go back next year remains to be seen.
Anyway, I am relieved to not have to get up at 6:15am again tomorrow morning... it is Veteran's Day and everything will be closed, so we're sleeping in!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week ahead!
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Created at 2024.11.10 23:25 PST
I find some old theatres and playhouses so dark that it is tiring being in there.
In recent times I have become very sensitive to unusual situations that may occur during the day. Something like this, I am sure, would not only take away my energy but would even give me nightmares.
It must be quite hard because if it is hard to face people who have that kind of energy, what must a building with so much history be like?
It's good that they have already finished that investigation for this year.
Best regards.