Living Our Best Lives: The Importance of Finding CAUSES, Rather Than Laying BLAME!

Have you ever met someone who always seems ready to blame everything and everyone for whatever goes wrong in their lives?

Chances are you have. Or it might even be you...


I got to thinking about this because I often ask a lot of questions whenever something didn't turn out as I had hoped... and people have occasionally told me that I am looking for someone to blame.

And the truth is, I'm not.

I'm just trying to isolate the root cause of the mishap, so I can do my best to understand, and subsequently avoid having to deal with the same situation again.

Even if my "investigation" means that I track the cause of a problem back to a person, I am not going to blame, them... I merely want to establish cause.


I can't help but think that our culture has become somewhat toxic in this particular arena.

People get very defensive, very quickly, perhaps because they have grown accustomed to often getting blamed.

It was always one of the things I liked the least about working in Korporate Amerika... the propensity to throw blame around when something went wrong, rather than to actually uncover where the root problem was.

But it's a tendency that seems to have become woven into society.


Just consider medicine: Doctors spend more time throwing drugs and treatments at symptoms, rather than taking the time to uncover the underlying causes why a patient might keep presenting with the same symptoms, over and over and over again.

(Side note: I am very grateful for my healthcare provider who actually DOES take the time to look deeper)

One of the reasons I find this particular topic — and the distinction it makes — really important is that it will be very difficult for humanity to build a better world if we're not going to examine the root causes for the things that get us into a lot of trouble.


"Better luck next time," is really not an adequate answer!

When I worked in IT, the developers came up with all sorts of "patches" whenever there was an issue with the code... but it was a very rare occasion when anyone actually went back to the source code and re-wrote some lines at the point of failure.

Of course, people would quickly forget that there had been a problem... until the next release, when something would go sideways again.

"It's all a matter of resources," was the good word.

Granted, I was working for a large public corporation... "keeping the shareholders happy" was more important than putting out a quality product.


Maybe I am shouting into the wind, but I think dealing with the causes of failures — without resorting to the blame game — is the best approach.

Fix it and move on! Life is too short!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week ahead!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2024-04-15 01:49 PDT



Such attitudes are very common today and it is a pity that instead of looking for causes they look for culprits. Beautiful flowers in your post. Greetings.🤗


when a cartel is strangling progress and deteriorating purchasing power with corrupt actions that lower standard of living it seems fair to blame such cockroaches :)
