Late Night Musings: The Lonesome Dreamer

I have often been accused of being an overly romantic dreamer, and of being too deeply involved in my own imagination, at the expense of real life around me.


I take no offense at those who make such assertions, in many cases there are is more than a grain of truth there. That said, I have actually managed to navigate "real life" and the tangible aspects of The Human Experience pretty well... so I'd say I'm not an entirely lost cause!

I say "pretty well," but that doesn't necessarily equate to with happiness and joy, except maybe for a few isolated moments here and there. Hence, perhaps, the periodic assertions in my past that I was "Such a Serious Young man."

Now I'm not so young anymore, but my dreaming heart does not feel like it has aged much at all. I still believe in certain things that most allegedly "adult" people think to be silly but I have a sense still exist. Perhaps they don't exist in this dimension, but they do exist in some dimension.

Yes, I know, I'm getting all "woo-woo and weird."


For example, I've had a number of prophetic dreams in my life. I've been challenged on occasion by people who say "maybe they were not prophetic," but they made us such an impact on me that I went in search of them and by doing so maybe I created the reality from the dream, rather than guiding myself towards something that already existed.

I find dreams rather fascinating and became a keen student of them, keeping dream journals not just for the purpose of interpretation but for the purpose of tracking and noting patterns and being able to refer back to particular situations where I suddenly found myself living through moments I was certain already had existed in a dream.

The human psyche can be a slippery beast, and sometimes we will simply fill in the blanks and find ourselves looking at something — or sitting with someone or meeting someone — and saying to ourselves "this happened in a dream because it has a very strong feeling of familiarity to it."


That, however, relies on our own memories... but when you actually can go back to your dream journal and read the actual description of what just happened it puts a tangible face on something that is usually lost in the ethers or dismissed as nonsense, at least for most people.

People have come into my life over the years, and I have already "known" them when they arrived on my scene. I have known things about them, things that make absolutely no sense from a scientific point of view.

Of course, experience teaches you that such knowing is often best kept to yourself because people tend to freak out and run away screaming when you're able to tell them aspects of their lives that you know, even though you first met each other all of five minutes previously.


I would not describe such things as "psychic abilities," because they strike rather randomly and I have absolutely no control over them whatsoever. I can't look at someone and tell their future, nor can I talk to their dead relatives! That's not what we're talking about here.

But what do you do, when you see someone and you "recognize" them? When they are a complete stranger and yet they are as familiar to you as your oldest and dearest friend and you can look at their face and particularly at their eyes and you know who they are?

Of course, "it depends." In very rare cases, it's "two way traffic" and the sense of familiarity goes both ways... and then you're pretty much "off to the races!"

But, as I said, that's extremely rare. Mrs. Denmarkguy and I sometimes claim to have "it," but it's not entirely true because we did know each other — briefly — as kids. So we ultimately RE-connected, rather than connected, even though there was a 25-year gap in there, and we knew nothing of each other's lives in the interim. and yet... we did.


I once read that a dream is a wish our heart makes. Whether that's actually true I don't know, but it sounds lovely.

I sometimes wonder how often we keep things at the back of our minds, perhaps because we need something to hold on to as we navigate a world that often feels like flying through particularly dark and turbulent thunderclouds.

All I know is that sometimes "the stuff of dreams" IS what makes life happen!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!

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Created at 2024-03-23 02:43 PDT

