100-Day Challenge: Building Those Neural Pathways to New Habits!
Change is difficult.
As I have said before real change is difficult; superficial change is a lot easier. Real change literally asks us to build new neural pathways in the brain... until something that "feels foreign" starts to feel second nature.
It's easy enough — on paper — but quite a challenge to functionally execute.
And so, we have all these different challenges... ostensible as tools to help us build these "habits" we need to build, in order to take on a new behavior and keep going with it.
Recently, I came across a "100DayChallenge." Although originally a sports and fitness challenge, it seems people have been adapting it to fit other aspects of life, like creativity, eating habits, learning and so forth.
Regardless, the idea here is that 100 days is more than enough to create a new habit in even the most stubborn of minds.
Anyway, I got to thinking about this 100-day challenge in the context of doing something to significantly further my @alchemystones art project.
It's one of those things... I'm quite good at creating the art, but not very good at promoting, marketing and selling it. So how about setting myself a "100-day marketing challenge" in which I try to build myself a habit of doing something promotional, every day.
As that bit if earlier reading made clear, the challenge isn't just about sports and fitness anymore.
I briefly consider applying it to my blogging, but I already have a pretty good blogging routine going. That's one of the ways in which we humans "misuse" challenges: overlay something we're already doing on a challenge template and pretend we are accomplishing something.
I guess I feel drawn to this particular challenge because I have participated in 30-day challenges before, and they haven't effectively done that much to change a habit, or ingrain a new one. I guess I'm just a slow learner.
But maybe 100 days of forcing myself to do something I really don't enjoy very much — self-promotion — would succeed in creating those new neural pathways needed to make it a permanent habit. Or at least something close to it.
Of course, I have a bit of an impetus here, in as much as I was invited to be interviewed on a substantially large podcast next week, and that would certainly provide a good "front marker" for changing a habit... and perhaps taking a real step towards something I always hoped to do: turn my creativity into (at least) a part-time job and income.
Sometimes you need an external break in order to trigger internal change in the way you approach things!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!
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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT posted anywhere else!)
Created at 2024-02-17 01:29 PST
Shooo... now that's a challenge for many artists and writers.
I have a proposition! :D
I failed miserably at the last challenge (a 30 day yoga thing) that I undertook because... eh... not important as I picked up Yoga again today and will stick with it this time!
But this marketing thing interests me. A lot!
I suggest we create a thread or summink where we can share where and how. And if results? I think we could all benefit from this? I do know that I know fuck-all about marketing and would love to get a bit more au fait. And skilled.
I also know I'm pretty resourceful and have had to build a client base in the past. Somehow I managed. Despite my lack of training and almost aversion to online marketing. But that was service orientated. Art is different, I think?
You could be on to something great here!
Hi @nickydee, I guess we could set up a thread "container" on INLEO to house the posts and updates... kinda like people have been doing with music playlists and other stuff, there. If nobody knows how, I'm sure @taskmaster4450 could walk one of us through it.
Yes, art is really difficult to market because people are rarely "actively searching" for it; for your specific work. There's no keyword or tag that's going to change that, it's about "putting your stuff out there" enough that people start saving/favoriting it to the point where sales start to happen. And that takes a monster amount of consistency. Hence the "services" that charge artists anywhere from $1000 to upwards of $5000 a year to provide publicity.
Shooo.... they charge that? Hell... we should have gone into marketing!
Or SEO 👀
Sadly I have little interest in both :( I suspect most artists do.
Hmmmm... Okay. Too much admin and not enough time for art here as it is.
Please tag me if you find any interesting tools, and such, and write another post on this?
I love a 30 day challenge but only something I think I'll enjoy. Kudos to you for doing something you DON'T like doing so it will ultimately benefit you.
That's the thing about this... I also find it relatively easy to establish a routine at something I really like, but getting used to doing something that's necessary for what you're doing... that's a lot more difficult.
We'll see how it goes.
This is interesting and I read a post from @gillianpearce The 100 Day Project - This Years The Year about the #the100dayproject that starts tomorrow and seems to be the same thing ....
@nickydee why not you all thread about it with that tag ...
Thanks for the mention. I'm just about to post today's progress. I struggle a lot with how threads works so I'm just using the #the100dayproject tag for now. I'm sure there's a more efficient way of posting given that I'm hoping to have 100 done by the time the project is over.
Thanks for the inspiration, Gillian! I just made an initial post about it on my @alchemystones art account, which is where I'll be participating from... probably not starting in earnest till next Tuesday, but will definitely tag all my posts!
That's so brill! I'll pop over and follow your stones account so I don't miss any posts. I'm not sure if following the tag is the most efficient way for me to make sure I don't miss anything so please feel free to tag me when you post. Are you OK with my tagging you? If so, which account would you like me to tag.
I think I might set up a "cheerleading" team of people I can tag and have it at the end of each post. That should help keep me going.
Thanks for joining in. It will be somuch more fun with you onboard #the100dayproject. 😍
These challenges do tend to become a little more "bearable" when we're not doing them alone!
Yes, you're welcome to tag me in related posts... @alchemystones will be doing the challenge, but I check both this and that account daily so you can tag both if you prefer, I don't mind when it's people I know and have known for a long time!
Yeah. I feel the same about tagging. I'm going to ask a few other people who've been around a long time if they're Ok with joining my "cheerleaders" group. I'm excited about the project this morning but, knowing me, I'll be thinking it's a waste of time by this afternoon, or something similar, by this afternoon. 😂
Yeah, I just read Gillian's post via my art account, and then went on to post about it from there! I'm onboard there, for sure.
I guess promoting it via Threads is not a bad idea!
Hello you
Nice to see your smiling face! :D
Thanks for the heads up! I'll totally check it out 👍
Busy re-editing a book. Then have another book to get on with. And a move. And still looking for work. Hey... since I have you here. I saw a community to advertise services on Hive. And now I can't find it for some reason :| D'ya perhaps know which one I'm referring to, please?
Need money. Want travel!
And if time for more writing then sobeit. I am always in for some fun and good sharing <3
Tengo might know something I don't, but I'm going to suggest you might be talking about @hivelist. Let me see if I can find the community...
Here you go:
It's a little easier to grok if you visit the actual web site.
Super duper!
Thank you :)
Hmmmmm... and now I'm curious. Of course :(
Getting a gateway timeout my side. But Leo has been in development so have seen some bugs get ironed out in the past bit.
I'll check back later then
Also... you look like you're about to go on an unexpected adventure in that hoodie! :D