RE: Stick around during the boring phase. Decisions are made here and now, Money is made later...
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I agree with your reasoning about Altcoins. I truly believe utility has value, and eventually the tokens with the most utility will increase in value. Whether they ever overtake purely speculative ventures in price, and hype is an unknown to me, as human behavior is often not rational.
But I agree 100% with the value proposition of tokens like Hive, which you espouse. It reminds me of the meme so prevalent during the Bitcoin bear markets where Bitcoin is lying lifeless on the ground and a person pokes it with a stick and asks it to do something. LOL
Hive as a blogging application and Hive as a blockchain, are good examples of a useful and potentially valueable decentralized application and a decentralized blockchain, which can support decentralized applications. The added value of the smart contracts already on Hive, which control Hive, Hive Power, HBD and their relationship, is a technology which is pretty to look at, and very enjoyable to use.
In some respects it is DeFi 1.0, which at the same time, what we do with it, can be DeFi 2.0.
As I look at the "..not your keys, not your crypto" security issues of the last 18 months, I am smiling because Hive solved these issues with Hive Power and delegation, to some extent. In truth we don't have a ethereum EVM, but perhaps we can one day host something safer.
We are in the early stages of the development of this technology, and one day we will look back and smile at our current progress, as our beginner struggles.
But look back we will, and advance we must, and surely Bitcoin Lightening will be part of that future. I personally hope Hive will be part of it too.
Thanks for the insightful comment. How did you get to this old post though?
I think I read a comment of yours, and started reading your blog.
Interesting that you got to read such old ones from me. I don't have much audience lately. I should probably be more social.
Sorry to hear that, I found the posts valuable. I am trying to be more sociable also, so you are not alone.