Original Piano Improvisation on Bach/Bauer "Die Seele ruht in Göttes Handen" -- Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 8



When things get DEEP, I often return to listening to Bach ... since teen years his music has ben a place of calm and repose while still in action ... life goes on ... in this past week a beloved mentor in music has passed away, but also a student of mine stepped up in life and I went out as beloved mentor to support her this weekend ... so, emotionally, I am between two extremes, and at such times I do tend to return to Bach.

The meaning of Die Seele ruht in Göttes Handen is "The Souls rest in God's Hands," and is generally thought to refer to the dearly departed in its original context. Bach knew something about that ... he lost a wife and ten children. He also knew he had to pick up and keep going ... so, he too, found his rest in God's hands, and somehow, kept going ... and that is where he and I "vibe."

Bauer's piano transcription of Bach's original melody is beautiful, but a greater challenge to play than I could manage in two weeks ... but the melody stayed stuck in my head, so with a nod of homage at the rhythm of Bauer, Bach's melody and I just took a journey of our own -- enjoy!

