A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (Or, Exactly Fifty): A Well-Read Dragon

Image by @wakeupkitty, used for the purpose of responding to this Freewriters Initiative

What I see: a bookstore to which a wizard and many townspeople and a dragon seem to be congregating. I also see that AI is doing what it does worst when it tries to spell or do math, but, I can work with it.

What I feel: Even a dragon, in the Information Age, needs to keep up with what is going on in the world(s)!

All I need in town is a bucket of mint to cool my breath down when I visit.
I enjoy going to Enigma Booksorel with its non-discriminatory policy; the sorrel is a nice snack and the reading keeps me up on what other dragons are up to in different fantasies!



A good reader, that dragon... Keeping your breath cool in a library is an absolute necessity; still, you should sit and read by the fire extinguisher just in case.

You know, the AI does solve mathematical problems well. It's up to us how to structure the premises logically so that the AI understands what we're asking it to do. The problem with spelling is that the AI feeds on content from millions of people around the world, and if that content has spelling mistakes, then the input will have the same mistakes.

I got an example in Word from an acquaintance. He did not know why the dictionary did not detect certain words with obvious errors. It turns out that he fed the dictionary with those misspelled words himself. I deleted the dictionary from the application and installed an updated version of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) and issue solved.


ChatGPT 3.0 has not been programmed well for math higher than the very basics -- it does not have some higher-order rules in hand. I found this out the hard way with one of the most difficult conjectures based in pure arithmetic: the Collatz Conjecture. Now, no one is going to prove that conjecture true or false for a long time ... but there are some rules about multiplication and primality that have to hold no matter what, and the programmers missed the details.


Well, here at the Trebas Institute Ontario-Canada we use ChatGPT 4.0 and soon 4.5 will be available for free. Too bad Collatz's Conjecture is not one of the seven millennium problems (The P versus NP problem. The Hodge Conjecture. The Riemann Hypothesis. The Navier-Stokes equations. Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. Yang-Mills and the mass jump. Poincaré's conjecture (already solved)), because mathematicians would be encouraged to earn a million US dollars.


I have here Visions of Infinity on those seven problems ... and even if there were a million or billion dollars attached, the Collatz Conjecture might let who ever is offering keep their money. The Millennium Problems have "real-world" consequences attached that are more important than any presently attached to Collatz's work (especially Riemann and Navier-Stokes) , but they also take less sheer computational power to work with. Collatz really requires a way to check all odd numbers -- at least all primes -- to see if over time the operation in the conjecture will cause them to all fall to one, and that's a question also about whether the powers of two get so far apart on the number line from the powers of three on the number line that multiplying by 3 and adding 1 to odd numbers will never get them back to a power of 2 that can be divided by two down to 1.

I use Wolfram-Alpha for bigger math questions -- sometimes it is just a question of using the right tool for the right job.


Very interesting post. The bucket of mint is very necessary to prevent unwanted accidents😀


What a delight @deeanndmathews to find such a forward-thinking establishment that caters to all species of friendly clients. I expect no less of the bookshop to offer also curb-side and/or personal assistants to accommodate their clients who are unable to physically enter the store due to mammoth size or height constraints.

It was also refreshing to hear clients respectful of other patrons. Working together to reach a common goal, thereby promoting unity and well-being for all. Perhaps the fantasy world can teach the real world the true meaning of "love thy neighbor".

Thanks for sharing this delightful and insightful version of the prompt. Take care.


Thank you ... YEP, I was thinking of all the things you were thinking of here ... sometimes we need to see in story what can be, and then have a mental note for it when the opportunity arises in real life.
