Taking The Journey
Despise you they can't. Despise what you are saying, nobody will be able to say. Say what is this one? Say they can't. The power of upright living, of the power of character in the book of we read that already Romans chapter 14, verse 17. Righteousness, the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
And of course we have Matthew chapter 5. And in verse 16, let your light so shine before men, your character, your excellence, let it explode before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Let them see your good works, let them see your life and. Able to praise God and be open. To God, the power of operating living number six is the power of testimony. The power of testimony. The power of testimony.
Almost every human being, you draw their attention with a story. Two things have a great impact on people Pictures. And stories. A picture can can say 1000 words. A picture can be worth more than 1000 words. In the same manner. A story. Jesus was full of stories. The Kingdom of God is like unto this person. The Kingdom of God is like so and so. One day man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho. He kept on telling the stories and passing across a message in the middle of the stories.