Spiritual Warfare Tactics


Hello Believers, how are you all doing today?

This might be the reason your intimacy with God may be drifting.

Last night, I was spending time with God in prayer. And I will be honest, it feels like there's a lack of intimacy between me and God right now.

And I was like, Lord, can you please just draw me back to that intimacy with you?

One of the things that he explained to me last night is as I spend time with God, I'm listening to other voices that are not his voice while I'm spending time with him. And I'm believing them more than I believe what God says about me in his word.


And the Lord says, as you begin to identify me by the voices in your head that have labeled you in your past, like you are not good enough and you make mistakes, you are what you did instead of correct what you did. Conviction versus condemnation. Then you start to think that that's what God thinks of you when you spend time with him.

Because anytime that you spend time with him, you start to hear those voices, which is a lying spirit, a spirit of perversion, which is twisted truth.

So then the enemy wants to make the place in the time that you spend with God feel like, make you feel like you're a failure or make you feel afraid or make you feel like you're not good enough so that you don't want to experience that. And you want to experience things outside of him more because they validate you more.

But the Bible says that there is no condemnation for those found in Christ Jesus. Meaning if you repent and you say, God, I'm sorry for what I did in my past. He wipes your slate clean. And then you continue to live a life that honors him.

You are not perfect, but you continue to strive to live a life that honors him. And then when we start to neglect our time with God, because we are paying more attention to what we think he thinks of us, instead of what his word says he thinks of us, we fail to discern the lies of the enemy.

Identify it so you can discern it. You cannot discern something you have not identified. So now that I see, okay, there's these certain voices that come to me when I'm spending time with God that make me feel less than, now that I can identify them, I can discern that this is not of God.

So I need to cast it down.

2 Corinthians 10 5, Cast on every high thought and imagination that exalts itself against your knowledge of the truth.

Anything that tries to come against what God's word says to make him look like a liar, even your own emotions, cast it down and make it submit to the word of God.

I love you all. See you soon.
