Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Throw those attacks!


Hi there hive-bees and splinterfellas! Grinding as usual? in real life or online? Hoping your enjoying your things right now! For this week's Social Media Challenge in Splinterlands, I have decided to tackle about the ruleset Keep your Distance. This ruleset is solely for the monsters that are not using melee for combat. It is kinda tricky to me since i love melee sneaks and opportunities. Well anyways, let us see how am i going to play this ruleset.

Keep Your Distance

"You cannot summon units with melee attacks."

  • Without any melee units to consider, charging your attacks with distance in mind, be sure to get the most convenient team for this ruleset. Matching your team with a summoner that can boost the attacks or maybe a defensive type of abilities that can become your edge in the battle. Just to make sure that you properly assembling and positioned your team for the battle.

Battle Sample



  • For this battle sample, Keep your Distance is matched with Closed Range and Counter Spellin a 53 Mana Battle. Splinters availability are Fire, Water, Earth and Life.

My Team:

Card Position
1st Position
2nd Position
3rd Position
4th Position
5th Position
6th Position
Abilities in its Level
  • The team that i will send for this battle is from the Fire Splinters summoned by Conqueror Jacek. The Reason i used Jacek is because of the Counter Spell presence in the ruleset. So with this, i cut the use of Magic damage dealers for my team to avoid the negative effect of Counter Spell. One more thing for Jacek is its +2 Speed boost to my team that can become a great thing to claim the first attack as much as possible. Molten Ash Golem followed by Gargoya Devil because of the their tank capabilities. Well, also, because they are my available cards that i can use. Supply Runner was added to my team because of Strengthen ability plus the Swiftness. Scavo Firebolt was here also for the additional Range Damage. Chaos Battle Mage is present because of its tanky features to cover my Countess Sinash that will be my main executor for this battle round. Sinash got too many abilities in its possession that is a perfect card to be part of my team.

The Battle:


The opposing team came from the Life Splinters. Well, although it got Magic Damage dealers on its team, You can see that Healers are there! Let us see what will happen.


My team took the opportunity to rain attacks on the opponent's team. One of the not so good thing of the Mage damage Dealers is their low health. With Scattershot ability, my team took some of the opponent's card for this round.


Round 2 is where the onslaught continues. Countess Sinash is a good opportunities. Although my opponent got a good tank, my team damage is cannot be stopped.


This round is where the battle ends.

  • So you see, in Keeping the Distance, it should always be noted that you should always choose the best team that can outperform your opponent. As my example battle shown, Range damage dealers are the team that have the edge compared to Magic Dealers because of Ruleset. You have to be keen and observant.
You can watch the full battle HERE.

You want to join the game? click it HERE for my referral and start your journey!

I guess its time to wrap up things and see you around fellas!

Thank you for your time!

Images are from SPLINTERLANDS.
