RE: Silver Eagles for My Kids


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They don't have coins worth that much there? Here in Japan we have both a $1 and $5 coin. It's nice to have coins with such a decent value.


They recently started having P20 coins (worth about .40) but everything above that is paper. The highest denomination they have here is a 1000-peso bill (worth about $20). It would be a real pain when you get large amounts of money if they were coins instead.
The denominations here are 1,5,10,20,50,100,500 and 1000. Maybe up to a P50 coin would be okay. After that it would start getting too heavy in your pocket.
Things here in The Philippines are a whole lot cheaper than in Japan. So, you don't really need to carry so much cash (and almost everything is cash only).
I was stationed in Okinawa (Kadena) twice (my 2 favorite assignments).
I never heard of a $5 coin before. Not a current one anyway.


Well, ¥500, I meant, which before the yen's recent downward spiral was around $5. Hopefully the yen recovers and it is once again equal to $5, but time will tell.

See here the smallest bill they have is ¥1000, roughly $10. If I am buying something small and have to break a ¥1000 note, that would be a ton of change if we didn't have those two bigger coins. But you know, I just like coins. In the States I was always asking for $1 coins at the bank. Many times they'd give me IKEs and those things were huge, but I'd carry them around and spend them instead of bills. I'm weird, I know.

How long were you stationed in Okinawa? Did you ever make it up to the main Japanese island?


I was stationed there from 1982 to 1985 and then again from 1990 to 1993. I have been to mainland Japan a few times. I even went up Mt. Fuji. When I was visiting Yokota AB, there were clubs outside of the base that were marked "For Japanese Only". I don't know if those still exist. I didn't travel too much on the mainland. I did buy the most expensive glass of Coca-Cola I ever bought while I was there. It was 1984 and an 8-ounce glass (with ice) cost me about $5 (I forget the yen amount). Some town on the way to Tokyo. We were going there to party. After paying so much for just 1 soda, I changed my mind and headed back to the base, along with 1 other guy.
