RE: Is this worth money? #7: Market Viewer
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Very awesome tool!
Question: do you think it would be possible to rebuild Marky's old tools that showed the APR of curating each token on HE? If you think it's possible, I will gladly pay the 100 ARCHON
The easiest way to do that would be to ask marky to publish it! I am sure for the right amount of some token he would!
I am trying to figure out if its even possible to napkin calc the tribal apr, for archon. I am extra nervous about h-e stuff, we are way behind on h-e tools already. Keep it in your back pocket tho, but..... let's ask marky first!
Unfortunately Marky has always refused when we've asked in the Bro. They are out of date and he has no interest in updating them. You know how incredibly pessimistic he's been about Hive for the past year or so, ever since that DV war a year or so ago that reduced all his posts and anyone he voted on to zero. He's scraped all his game and app ideas for Hive and moved them elsewhere.
Ask him how much for the out of date code that we pledge to make free if we can 👀