RE: What makes Hive special?
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Hive brings out the human sides in us
I have to think part of the lack of polarization here is because of the relative difficulty of getting an account. Usually that's a bad thing and we complain that by failing the grandma test in ease of signing up for an account we limit growth, but there is a good side, eh? That relative difficulty also prevents all the Russian hate-spewing bots that Twitter and Facebook have been overrun by.
So... win? Kind of sort of?
Though I would love to see more explosive growth, we do kind of have a good thing going with everyone somewhat familiar with everyone else and all fairly nice to each other.
Maybe it's good that hive is not that popular yet and we can communicate without too much hattered with each other. I think there is some space for more people but maybe we don't really need all the troll farms on web 2.0 :-)