New greenhouse


Despite the exceptionally fine but cold day. The job in hand was to glaze the gifted to me greenhouse. I thought this would be easy. If I had a swear box down on the plot it would be full.
It wasn't, mainly because the glass was frozen together by the trapped frozen moisture. Well at least it's all but done as bad light stopped completion, and I was hungry.
I lit a little fire in a garden incinerator to warm my hands. I was struggling with the clips for the glass simply due to the cold, they are a bit fiddly when you can't feel your fingers. Don't those clips fly when you get it wrong. Problem is the fire was a bit of a dud. So when I put my gloves near to dry them not a lot happened. Then the fire took & melted the brand new gloves.
Just a bit of tweaking to do and leave the plot for a month or so except for a few checks.
