Mount Olympus..
Good morning y'all and welcome to today's show where there is absolutely nothing happening. Well I folded pocket Kings on accident while making this video.. and they would have been a winner.. but hey you can't have everything.. In fact I already tried to get Mount Olympus today but was denied.. this is the game I'm talking about..
My screen name is the same there as here so if you play send a friend request.. on another note.. but still in the game category.. How bout that blindside on Survivor last night.. I still watch that show 20 years later..
Anyway here today's #themorningbowl..
For today's MoTD I thought like a pervert.. Who is Olympus? Maybe I want to Mount her too.. but then I remembered when I tried to Mount McKinley...
My man is going to be so happy to see your posts
He loves to smoke a lot😅
Let’s go!