Grown Ass Mac...
Good morning y'all and welcome to today's show where as advertised I spent some time smoking the ganja before trying to talk about the ganja. I ran over a bit. as expected but I am definitely good and high for this video. Took a couple grownassman hits for the camera.. but that's not where today's title came from..
▶️ 3Speak
No bitch hits, but a pink shirt….🤣😭😂🤣
Are you trying to insinuate that a pink shirt makes me look like a bitch?
You said it not me…..
A half hour of prepping; that's some serious content creation my Dude! Lookin into those No bitch hits eyeballs it seems the prepping payed off nicely. Boomshanka!
A little feel the buzz music for your listening pleasure.