Whistle Stop Cafe Saturday May 8, 2021 - Freedom Park Protest


(The stage can be seen in the background where speakers have come from across Canada to speak.)

A small Alberta business in Mirror, Alberta has been taking a stand against the Canadian and Albertan government's negligent covid-19 mandates and resolutions. The People have had enough of the lockdowns, they do not work, and it's time to draw a line in the sand. Texas, Florida, and Montana have no more mask mandates or ridiculous lockdowns, and they have seen a reduction in cases.

This is the scene I showed up to;


2 Overflow parking lots full over 2 times the attendance to the previous day, even with the bad weather.


This event had many speakers, I recorded a few of them that I had the opportunity to, weather permitted. It was snowing, sleeting, and raining today. Typical Albertan weather for this time of year that all of us were prepared for. There was free coffee and Freedom Burgers served to attendants on a donation basis due to lockdown restrictions being so communistic that businesses are not allowed to operate with the consensus of multiple authorities that have no vested interest in the business, with no 3rd party liability for damages they cause Canadian businesses and their families.

The Doors to this Business have been Locked

Communist Tyranny in Canada


While other businesses are allowed to remain open, this open is being discriminated against as a biohazard. No human or their livelihood should be considered a biohazard. We could discuss a fuel spill here, but that's simply not the matter at hand and this was an insane overreach of authority in a country that talks about freedom a lot, but the shill politicians have turned it into a nearly communist dictatorship with their bad quality agenda that bleeds corruption from every seem, to the point the average person expects government operations to be status quo corrupted.

I will not stand for this, and anyone who wants this lock here is asking for a civil war in my opinion. We can all play "regulate" & "protest" but this has come to the point that someone needs to be held accountable for the negligence to their oath to Serve and Protect.

Whistle Stop Cafe Owner Arrested

Chris Scott, Arrested

The owner of the Whistle Stop Cafe was arrested for hosting the protest today. This is a violation of our charter rights to freedom of association and freedom of assembly for lawful protest. Everyone here was peaceful and mindful of each other, what a ridiculous interpretation for publicity these sleaze bag RCMP officers are committing.


A tweet makes claims about secret warrants obtained by the Alberta Government.


Rebel News also reported on this arrest.


The statement issued May 5th by AHS who is Subpoenaed to appear in court in Red Deer May 18th for a Charter Challenge against the covid-19 isolation strategy used by the Alberta Government.


They have a cute way of wording the RCMP's role, they are not involved but also required to protect AHS if they feel threatened, so obviously, an AHS worker will bring their armed guards with them to enforce an order on a business that has obviously no intention of following that order. They are just hiding being intricacies playing stupid as they panic like the rest of the sheep in this mess.

You Have Rights

Any Lawyer will tell you, there is human rights violations occur en mass due to covid-19 regulations around the planet, this is undisputed and the Human Rights Tribunals are making their cases. The problem rationalized today at the Protest if I could sum it up into 1 phrase would be;

The wheel of the law turns slowly, and that simply will not do, we don't have years. People are suffering now.

Something you can do immediately if you own a small business is visit file an injunction against the Health Act at a courthouse in Alberta. Until you have a day in court, you will not have to abide by the policies of the Health Act due to the injunction you have filed. The courts will likely give you a court date a very far distances in the future, potentially even over 6 months to a year away, in the meantime, you could operate without following any of the terms or conditions of the Health Act.

End Alberta Lockdowns - Will Dove

Will Dove spoke at the Freedom Park May 8th Protest. He is the Founder of Director of End Alberta Lockdown. They run a wide range of services to inform the public about the attacks on their Rights and Freedoms. They have a civil rights lawyer on board with their organization now, who will seek damages from Deena Hinshaw and the Alberta Government for their role in the lockdowns that caused long-lasting hardships for Canadians across the country as well as here in Alberta.


How to Fight a Coivd-19 Health Act Violation Ticket

This man was charged with an infraction of the Health Act, he is in court at the Red Deer Court House on May 18th, 2021.


If you follow the same strategy you could expect similar results. Make sure to stay up to date. On May 18th Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's sitting Health Minister, has been subpoenaed to witness this violation.

Dave Yorkman

Dave came from Ottawa Freedom Protests to this event to speak. He elaborates on the deep state flaws in Canadas' judicial system as well as what the crown really is.

"Why are we having our rights violated and no one is answering our questions?"

"Canada is one of 4 countries remaining from the 85 that were won in World War II."

"Both Liberals and Conservatives made a deal, that deal was we are going to take back crown power to enslave each and everyone one of you" - Dave Yorkman


Just Say No

You can opt out of the Vaccine by simply not expressing an interest in one. They can not force you to vaccinate in Canada or intimidate you about your health. You are NOT a walking biohazard. It's discrimination to judge you for your health.




Whistle Stop Cafe Domain: https://whistlestoptruckstop.ca
Will Dove END ALBERTA LOCKDOWN - https://www.endalbertalockdown.com

Posted via proofofbrain.io
