RUN (October 1986)

Cover of the October 1986 issue of RUN
RUN wasn't the first Commodore related magazine I ever bought but it was the last. I was buying and reading it sometime in 1989 until it died off at the end of 1992. I think I started picking it up after Commodore Magazine stopped being published and some of the Commodore 64 coverage they used to have was incorporated into RUN. The October 1986 issue includes:
- Big Software For Small Business - A look at some of the business related software available for the Commodore 128. Software covered here includes Vizawrite and Vizastar (word processing and database), Business Pro-Pak (statistics software that works in CP/M mode), Chartpak 128 (creates charts and graphics), The Consultant (database), Data Manager 128 (database/report writing/label-making), dfile128 (database), Fleet System 3 (word processor), Ghost Writer 128 (word processor), Jane 2.0 (word processor, spreadsheet, and database), Microsoft Multiplan (budgeting software), Paperback Writer/Planner/Filer 128 (word processing/database/spreadsheet), PaperClip II (word processor), Partner 128 (cartridge-based desktop accessory package), Swiftcalc 128 (spreadsheet), WordPro 128 (word processor), Word Writer 128 (word processor), Superbase 128 (database), and CMS General Accounting System (accounting).
- Software to Improve Your Business Picture - A look at available Computer Aided Design packages including Flexidraw, CADPAK, CAD-3D, CAD GEM, GEOS (specifically GeoPaint), and CADPIC 64.
- Computer Creativity - A sort of case study of someone who uses a Commodore 64 for his art related business. Hardware used includes a Commodore 64, 1541 disk drive, Cardco CSD-1 disk drive, 1702 color monitor and Okimate-10 color printer. Software includes Word Writer, Sylvia Porter's Your Financial Planner, Movie Maker, KoalaPainter, and Design Lab.
- Commodore Power - Another case study in the use of Commodore computers. In this case, a power plant in Fort Pierce, Florida is using Commodore 64s for word processing, recording in plant meter readings, and generating summaries, calculations and reports for plant activities. Software used includes Multiplan, VizaStar, Superbase64, Speedscript and The Print Shop. The VIC-20 is also being used as a data collection instrument that reads gas and watt meters then generates various calculations.
- 64 Personal Ledger - A type-in book keeping program for the Commodore 64 to help with things like home business or club finances.
- High-Resolution Revolution - A type-in hi-res drawing application for the Commodore 64.
- RUNning Ruminations - A summary of the results of a recent reader survey.
- Magic - Short programs that perform various "magic". Included this month are some tips for using function keys, a program that highlights REM statements, a graph paper generator, sound effects when printing, a simple hi-res sketch program, a tip to append programs, a two-line Basic 4.5 quick loader, and more.
- Mega-Magic - Like Magic above but slightly longer programs. This month are some routines for scrolling text in various directions.
- Software Gallery - Reviews of The Music Studio (music composer from Activision), Gato (World War II submarine sim), Your Financial Planner (finance program for the C128), Fleet System 3 (C128 word processor), Infiltrator (action game from Mindscape), Jet (combat flights sim), Personal Inventory/Personal Account/Time Manager (CP/M based software for the C128), Solo Flight (flight sim from MicroProse), GBA Championship Basketball: Two-on-Two (basketball game from Activision), Super Boulder Dash (arcade sequel from Electronic Arts), and more.
- Basically Speaking - A technique in BASIC for loading one program from another.
- Telecomputing Workshop - Questions answered about modems and online services for the Plus/4, recommendations for modems and terminal programs, terminal software for the Commodore 128, and PunterNet.
- Q-Link Happenings - Q-Link was a Commodore specific online service. Eventually, it became AOL. Updates noted here include improved Free Software Library, new casino games, music news and more.

Table of Contents from the October 1986 issue of RUN

Table of Contens from the October 1986 issue of RUN (continued)

Back cover of the October 1986 issue of RUN
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The Templars by Dan Jones
Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch
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