BTC and Hive price comparison 040225
BTC was $97,919.77 USD, as HIVE was $0.319 USD, on February 4th 2025 |
HBD is $0.993 USD (+) today, or just 5.880 % (+) of HIVE market cap.
Now at 7:00pm MST both BTC and HIVE are going up,
See the spot trading action on Bitget-- buying and selling thousands of HIVE.
Some want HIVE! Some want BTC! Hive is at 0.3183-- no 0.3191 as BTC hits 97,882 USD
Watching in Suspense!
How will these ten minute candles close?
Hive went higher but strong price support in BTC seems to have helped HIVE here.
And here is one last update at 7:31pm as you can see the results of the half hour-- |
Are you Trading BTC or HIVE? I am just watching, accumulating, and taking notes over time! Do your own research, but if you want more BTC you should get some! If you want more Hive, get some of that too! Power up if you plan to stay a while. Hive is still in the beginning and for a long time I didn't realize how cheap it was or the value in powering up! What a learning journey it has been.
Upvote this post 100% if you think it was composed by human hands because it was.
Thank you for your information. Both coins follow the same direction path. However the intensity is a little bit changed in both cases.