There is no perfect gift but perfect intention

The best gift I ever got was from my toxic girlfriend about 5 years ago. Our relationship started December 2015, and it was a sweet one. Today is not to talk about why and how she was toxic, but about the gift she gave me during our first valentine together.
During our talking stage and when were getting to know each other and even during the relationship, one thing we did very well was communication. what we like and don’t like, what we wish to have and other things. From that discussion, it’s easy to know what a person likes and doesn’t like.
Our first Valentine's Day was great and cool. We both went to an orphanage together to give them a lot of stuff since we are celebrating love day in the real sense of it. After we were done and I was going back to my place, she gave me a gift package. I was very happy and when I got home and opened it, wow!!! I have never seen a very detailed gift like that before. It encompasses all what I told her I love. Which means she must have been paying close attention to whatever I saw for her to remember and note it.
In my own opinion, I don’t think there is a perfect gift for men or for humans generally speaking. But one easy way to give people something valuable is to understand their interest and what they love and like. Since people we often send gifts to, are those we are close to, it’s easy to ask what they like during our many discussions to get a perception about what they can be given.
I recently started talking to someone who said she loves necklaces. Now if I want to give that person something, first on my list will be a necklace because she has earlier told me she loves it. Good communication makes it easy to know what we can share and give to each other.
On the other hand, there is no perfect gift, just perfect intention. Sometimes we overthink a lot about situations when trying to get gifts for people even when we know a lot about what they like. In our own way, we are trying to get them a perfect gift but there isn’t.
We humans are clumsy and our choices often changes a lot. Someone that liked a particular thing yesterday might not like it today or might not need it the way we thought so they might not appreciate it very well like we expected. So what we should do in this case is get them whatever we feel like getting them.
it’s really the intention that counts and not the worth or the value of the gist but the love you are trying to show and pass across to them through those actions. There is why that small amount of flowers would be worth more because of the gesture of love. For me, there is no perfect gift, it’s just a delusion. The perfect intention makes the gift a perfect one.

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Your title is everything for me. Perfect intentions❤
That's by the way, why are every toxic relationships sleep good with communication?😅


Sorry you got caught, that was the intention. About the second part, well, I can’t say anything, I was only on one and it’s very low to use as a judgment material. Maybe I wont know because I don’t want to be in another ever again.
