The beauty of Life lies in uncertainty

Good day my fellow hivers, it’s another prompt from my favourite community. The beauty of life. This is a very nice topic because it brings out the reality that everyone is facing in their various lives. The beauty of life lies in the uncertainty of life. Nobody knows tomorrow, we can only plan. People often say that not knowing tomorrow is what God took away from us. That’s true. We make plans everyday about the future and still most of them don't go the way we want and it still doesn’t stop us from making further plans. This is why I often tell people not to worry a dime about tomorrow, it’s beyond any of us, we only have now.

2 years ago, I was in a bad state and I had plans, one of them was to get out of my state and finish my degree. I had an extra year and I needed to sort out myself fast because it seems a lot of my mates were leaving me behind. While I was home due to the long 9 month strike, a lot of my mates were attending their NYSC programme. It was a depressing state because I had to post them on WhatsApp statuses and congratulate them. We could have been doing that together but I was lacking behind.
One of my plans was to ace my papers and also attend my NYSC program. I put in the work, read like never before. It was a lonely path. Before I didn't have to go for lectures alone, meet lecturers alone, read for exams alone, sit for exams alone but I had to do it alone.

Situations like this really taught me that in this life, when it comes to the worst, you are alone. I guess it was like character, mindset building for me.

I go my paper aced and currently I’m almost completing my NYSC program. So I would say my plan went according to how I wanted it to go but that’s because I focused on the positive.
I remember in between then and now I lost a business deal that could have changed my financial life 360°.
It was about a clothing line I wanted to start with my cousin, I met this investor who was ready to invest millions into our ideas. We talked endlessly for months, and we just couldn’t find a common ground. There are lessons in failure and I learnt mine.

Life is all about uncertainty, that’s the beauty. There are positive things you didn’t plan, that come to your face and there are things you plan and it would go awry. You shouldn’t be dismayed, it was not just meant to be at that particular time, it could happen later in the future or never happen. Just continue to push.

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“Delay is not denial”, the best part of your post was that even when you were depressed you still showed love out there by posting the NYSC pictures of your friends, most people think it’s that easy to just wake up and something like that knowing fully your current state at that time. I’m glad you kept on pushing and putting the necessary work in to get to this very point.
Keep your head up king, we’ll all get to where we want.


Embracing uncertainty and focusing on the present while pushing forward is key. Your resilience and adaptability are admirable traits…Bravo!
