Best gift i ever got

I will start my write up by explaining what love entails. Love is the act of giving and receiving. A relationship whereby you don’t give or receive isn’t a normal or a good one. Gifting is one of the best forms of showing love. It involves the exchange of material things to show how valuable a person is and how dearly you hold them in your heart. Though material things might differ, the worth of the gift shouldn’t be a factor but the intent and thought that counts. Gifting is like the vehicle that drives a relationship. It’s like an investment that boosts a relationship and makes it worthwhile. Something it can be getting that spa session for your significant other, sending them a ticket to watch a movie you know they will love. It goes beyond just giving out material things.
During the course of my life, I’ve gotten different birthday gifts which really caught my fancy and which I really appreciate the thoughtfulness of the gifter and some weren’t all that. But well all gifts are suppose to be appreciated no matter how small or even if they aren’t appealing. It’s the thought that counts.
I once had a girlfriend for a very period of time who showed me other side to loving. It was a good time between us though we had our problems too, I guess every relationship does have its unique problem.
It was during Valentine’s Day and our plan was to visit the orphanage and celebrate with them. That was enough memories to make with her, why? Because I’ve never done such things before. We both bought lots of stuffs for the kids and went in company of her other friends to visit an orphanage. It was a very good time, being a blessing to kids in that situation.
We played music, dance, played ball with them and took pictures, I can’t never forget that day because it was very emotional for me. I could barely hold the tears.
I felt fulfilled of showing love to the less privileged considering the fact that it was Valentine’s Day, which it was originally all about until recently it turned only into romantic love showcasing.
After we were done with the kids, on our way back, she gave me a gift package.
When I got home, I checked the package and it comprises of different kinds of items. At least it was about 7 different items in segments.
What I noticed was that it was all what i told her I loved. It was a very detailed gift which no other person have done for me.
Gifting is about being creative and thoughtful, the thoughtfulness of this particular gift makes it stand out for me.

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7 different items even after she contributed for the orphanage with you?
Aww that’s a truly considerate and sweet woman

But how come you guys broke up 🥹


I wish you told us the contents of the gift box, visiting an orphanage is something I have not done before but I hope to do so someday.
