Sign board



I really prefer to use the word 'sign board' instead of sign post as it will really bring much clarity into this article. What's a board and what is its major application? To summarize it we will just say it is for information purposes. It gives out precise info or signs about what a place or thing entails. Coming down to the field of business, we can say it entails advertising. How key is this word, many company have leverage it and grown out from limited grounds to multinational levels.

A lot of entrepreneurs fail to understand who they really are. How do you thrive business in a crowded market of same service or product with your competitors even providing a more quality service than yours. I had such a challenge from my early days of business. Although I had the idea of advertising, I did put little effort on it, even at the little, there were result. It is now something I ask myself, how would have it been by now if I had put the needed energy in this advertising sector?. Indeed the reward would have been worth it.

Have you ever asked yourself why big businesses spend so much on advertising? Maybe you feel they have too much. Let's look at some figures using Google. The yearly revenue analysis reveals that they made over $230 billion from advertising. We ALL know the majority of its revenue is gotten from this sector. The figures look large right? It will definitely surpass this by the end of this year meaning advertisers are still ready to pay. The clear fact here is, they will be paying because they have enjoyed its benefits.
Google advertising services have helped companies reach their target audience. We can't doubt how online activity seems to be surpassing offline. How many hours of our lives do we devote to our mobile phones and PC's. The reason for advertising is to find the audience and most importantly that niche audience hungry for such services. How many people use the internet? Maybe you'll have to do that research and get the figures. Millions are waiting online 24/7 for services.

This article was not to be centered on Google, I am trying to lay a base foundation on the importance of advertising and how businesses go this far to keep business running year in year out. Many entrepreneurs fail to understand this, just as I earlier explained how it was my early mistake. Exception of running a business, an entrepreneur is a sign board and this is something you should not joke with if you wish you thrive your product or services. What do you do with you social media accounts, contact numbers? Maybe you should use a few minutes to think about it before we continue.

Everyone is known for something and until you are well known you may be having a dwindling customer base. Put your products or services online on a daily basis. You can't just get tired of doing that. How often we fail to leverage Internet opportunities. Connecting yourself with customers, users or client as the case may be makes you an entrepreneur. It's something I told a friend, the ability to think of advertising all the time will pay you as an entrepreneur. What do you talk about in the misdt of friends you newly meet. How do you know their needs if you don't present what you can offer?

When people see you, what comes to their mind? When they hear your name or business name as the case may be what is normally registered. If it is nothing then it means you are not playing your part accurately. In short, you are yet to cross the first line of even being called an entrepreneur. I have seen myself doing less in this sector and there is a need to step up. Many times we learn after a period of time(some say mistake while others tag it experience). Nevertheless, I would love you to tap from this article especially if you're a newbie entrepreneur, it will be a needed leverage.

The analysis of 1 out of every 10 businesses always standing the test of time is true and most faults can be attributed to poor marketing. It is not enough just having a good product or quality service, how will they know if you don't tell them. Even coca cola is still running adverts despite their worldwide audience. You should get to know, customers value vibes in business. Telling them you are still available even when they know you do helps strengthened their compliance to your product or services. Marketing/advertising plays a very huge role in the field of entrepreneurship, it should be a bond in every business man.

To conclude, let me add, the world business is becoming very competitive. Proper advertising is needed to stand out amongst the midst of this competition. Leverage all the channels you have to introduce your product/ service, it is what makes you an entrepreneur. Customers must become too familiar with what you offer that you get registered in their daily activities. I must say the internet has given entrepreneurs a hedge although few are yet to capitalize. Knowledge remains key in doing business, keep researching and applying.

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