It's all about security



We all have our views about what mostly matters. While the poor are after being rich, the rich are in pursuit of being wealthy. Even the wealthy are after later options like peace of mind, love and the rest of the likes. It's life and you'll ponder upon many stages. I have personally being making mh person research about what life is actually about, why we wear ourselves out day in and day out. From the physical to the spiritual( maybe not all believe this), economical, health, technology, food and any aspect of living you can imagine, it has always been about security.

Maybe I should put up this history before further ado, you might or have not heard of Emperor Qin (the first emperor of China). Ying Zheng was his real name actually. He is most famous for the building of the great wall of China. Becoming King at the age of 13 was indeed a privilege but he was not going to stop there. His hunger for more drove him to further conquer all other provinces of China. You should imagine how such a process would look like, those who stood in his way must be eliminated. He felt securing the entire China for himself was his needed safety.

He did conquer but yet it didn't just give him all he wanted. He further advanced his security desires. How can he live forever was the next big question. If you follow up the story through lines, you'll come to know that it was at such point that he ended his life and terminated his reign. Many historians attributed his death to so much in take of mercury which was given him by his physician to attain immortality.

Why am I bringing in this story? Simple, what are the reasons you do the things you do?, it's due to the fear or enlightenment of being insecure. In the midst of everything, a man wants to get married and have a child or children as the case may be just to secure his genes(have a successor). We must be sincere, that's why a lot get married; just children. The instinct of seeking security is inborn in all of us, we seek the things which will secure us.

Why do many give attention to supernatural beings? The case here remains the same. As a Christian, I can boldly say I need to secure immortality for myself which is a sure promise from our creator. For this purpose I and many others serve and obey him. Maybe you need to get down to bible and read where it is written 'whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life'. I am not here to create a debate with other religion in the process yet the truth remains, we all have a reason we serve.

In the absence of security awareness, man has no purpose. No wonder we hear of terms like financial security, health security, food security and the rest of the likes. Security is and will continue to be the most prioritized thing in our entire existence. The emergence of technology is a result of the need to secure a better living platform and connect people with ease. In short, we have seen a daily pressing need to tighten the security of online platforms. We have seen several debates about why a new breed of technology like Web 3 should be allowed to flow. Many online users feel insecure with the current system and when this comes to play, steps must follow to correct.

Have you ever wondered why people set up the government? The truth of the matter is that they want to be secured. It's only a pity that many governments have failed to play this their primary part and have in turn oppressed those that solely rely on their protection. It's one of those things, humans are one funny beings. Look at how the wolves stick to their pack in order to stay alive, the lion knows this tactic too. Let me not delve into another external sector, maybe a story for another day. I have come to realize that security too can be a bait; look at the case of the government and his people and Emperor Qin also.

How many times have we heard sweet talks from these guys who in the end, mostly choose to go against promises. They know that they'll continue to have relevance as long as human security is a primary concern. 'Without power men will fight and kill themselves', this has been the platform from which the government exists. You can now see how deep and primary security is although many of us choose to view only the surface. So yes, after a long while of constant study, I have come to realize what matters most to me and all of us.

To conclude let me add, whether it be happiness, peace of mind, finance, health, wealth, power and the many others, one center point is that you'll have to secure all this. First is being aware of your security and pressing further to achieve more. Prioritizing what needs to be prioritized can be a hedge while delving into life's certain and uncertainties. We even fade as humans under the circumstances that we have mortal insecurity. When looking at the case of what Emperor Qin was after, I see nothing wrong with it except the platform at which he was pursuing it from. So I will also add, in your pursuit for wealth or anything, try and be ethical.

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