Coping with much
Recently my writing has been out of many surrounding experiences. Such is life, expressing oneself is one of the easiest ways to offload burdens. Life is full of challenges which are opportunities also if you are wearing the right lenses. Everyone wants to be successful, it is a good vision. Nevertheless, it comes at a cost, sacrifices will have to be made. You will certainly have to bear with inconveniences, expand your capacity and put some spice of extra energy to scale. Have you ever woken up in the morning and feel like going back to bed? Of course I have, severally. Sometimes I have had to readjust schedules to meet up perfect sleep but even at that, you still know something to be done is pending. Maybe I should call this sleeping with one eye open.
I watched a video of a man who feels there is so much burden on the shoulders of men. I could feel his grievances. I am not here to raise a debate that portrays the fact that women are lazy, no. I have seen hard working women who do their possible best to support their husband, some have even become breadwinners depending on the situation. The commitment is indeed very high. I don't need to be married to understand this, when you are running a business, you know you are already in a relationship.
From opening to closing of a business, especially as a small size business owner, you have to make sure that ALL things work out. Your presence is very vital as the business trusts you the most. Even when employing someone to carry out a task, you have to follow up, it much like helping your children do the assignment when you've paid the teachers.
What then happens when business starts to expand? We are actually praying for this progress, yet, it comes with extra demands. You also in the process have to expand to fit into the current business level. It is something I am readjusting myself to fit in. Being the MD of the business means decision making must flow in and very fast. A call can destabilize your routine if you want customer satisfaction to be attained. As a growing business you must look for possible ways to attend both speed and efficiency. There were times I chose to stay small in business and manage the customer base I had. Of course I can't stay small forever, the vision was never to start small and stay small.
We have expanded, I am stretched in the process. I have to learn new things and cope with not only customers but clients. Delivering the best products or services depends on your clients or should I say contract workers that I call in to put in their expertise to meet customer demands. I have to satisfy both ends, good pay for workers and good service for customers in return to grow my business into the brand I need. I used to think 24 hrs was short yet it seems it is even shorter than I earlier assumed. How do you feel waking up early and already knowing you won't meet up with the task of the day? The advantage I have here is the youthful blood running through my veins coupled with the zeal to do business.
I have to get to know new places, so getting to the market to source for quality materials becomes part of my work schedule. I have been doing much of that lately. I remember some weeks ago that I had to walk around the market looking for a rare product. I ended up not finding it and my legs were hurting in the process. I came back late and had to rest myself after the disappointment. I can't send someone to do this for now, the cost of doing that will be high. Adding to that, I have to establish some level of trust to do this overtime. Clients can be frustrating atimes by sending wrong or fake products especially when they know you are a novice at one stage. It is much like phrasing, 'don't send someone what you don't know' and it makes sense when relating from this angle.
I have to keep writing on Hive. I have chosen it to be my go to social media platform. I aim to at least keep releasing an article a day. I am working on building my stakes and growing my rewards. Also, there is much to learn over here. I am not ready to miss the friends I have met over here. Keeping bond is very important, through reading and engaging with several articles I have extracted business knowledge. You see why I have to keep coming, it is good to spread your net across different waters.
To conclude, let me add, when subtracting all this business time, what is actually left for me. I earlier said in my recent post that I aim to spend 8 hrs working daily. This is just for business, not others. Consider the remaining activities like connecting with the household of faith plus any other matter arising. There is much to be done daily, nevertheless, re-strategizing to meet rest time is necessary.
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