A little folding
As I said yesterday in my article, there is not much talk about new year resolutions for me. It's just me sticking to my long term plan. Maybe I should say I only have to advance in what I am working on. I think having what to work on gives you direction and peace of mind too.
What am I saying here? You already know how much to chew. Having what to work on also keeps you going knowing that there are targets in every quarter. wealth creation is a game of understanding how to attract money and how long it will take you to create that magnetic device.
To everything, there is a result or reward. Even when you choose to do nothing, you will get something in return. This summarizes that even nothing is something. I will be centering on the aspect of being lazy. I feel there is a need to address this issue in the early part of the year. There are two forms of laziness I will be focusing on; 'not wanting to know what to do and not doing what you've come to know'. We can say from here that ignorance is a form of laziness.
Those who seek things always find them, it also means that those who chose to fold their hands will be robbed of result. There is a wise scriptural saying, 'A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man' (Proverbs 24:33-34). This doesn't mean you should be a workaholic. I personally do not put my faith in hard work, this doesn't mean I don't work. Things have seasons and timing and when you refuse to apply the needed IQ, you will soon be vulnerable.
Let's take for instance, there is always a season for planting and a time gap between that and harvesting. What then happens if you never planted? This is not rocket science, there will be nothing to harvest.
Both the season and the time gap to you becomes very meaningless. We are just entering into the new year, it doesn't need to be a new year's resolution, just dare to know, dare to do. Be prepared for what this year has to offer, or prove to this year you also have what to offer.
Does poverty choose people or people choose poverty? It is something debatable anyway but the majority fact if I should say is that people choose to be poor although they will shroud their shoulders against this. How often do we overlook life changing opportunities? We just look at it demands and off we go. I have done some feasibility studies around where I am and some nearby States. Very well, I have to admit the economy is bad, yet some are just folding their arms to see it continuously beat into their daily living.
In the midst of all this crisis, many are making millions. It is a question of 'the how?'. Of course you may not end up making millions yet there is always a leakage in an economy to fill in and get rewarded. It all starts when you refuse to fold your hands. In a rich country you will see a poor man and also in a poor country you will also find a rich man. Poverty and wealth are constant, it all depends on your brain adjustment. Surviving the current economic scare is a matter of thinking early.
I always tell friends, if you don't know where to find money, at least know where to wait for it. Money has a path, in short I prefer the latter, this is where I am aiming for. How to create a system that connects with transaction paths to generate a constant flow of cash.
Start well and finish well too, don't try to cover up with unnecessary statements like, the end of a thing is better than the beginning. You are right yet it doesn't fit this context, get my early illustration of planting and harvesting.
To conclude, let me add, I refuse to fold my hands this year to avoid being swept by poverty. I think you should make this decision too. When looking at the economy, I know there is a need to ask when it will ever get better. Nevertheless, till then try to generate a mentality that keeps resources flowing your path. What if the economy never returns to where it once was? Have you considered this?. Work smart not hard anyway, it is not how much time you spend working, efficiency in returns is something else. Throw your bread upon many waters and wait for returns during harvest time. Just to get this conclusion straight, the first stage to fight poverty is to refuse folding your hands.
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