A chance to shine


The sun is actually shining even as I am writing this article. We are in the Christmas season and I can even feel a change in the atmosphere. This is the season of harmattan over here meaning the clouds have gotten rid of rain, just expect dew in the morning and the hot sun takes over the whole day. It means there is full opportunity for the sun to flex muscles, such too is life. An opportunity will always surface and we are left to make the most of it. The sun is always steady on its position, meaning that it keeps producing its rays even during a rainy day but faces hindrances until perfect days like this season emerges and then we can say it is actually shining.

Starting a business can be like the game of the sun and the thick clouds (rain). It was not an easy thing for me to get up and start up something personal. I had a job that was paying, nevertheless, I knew there was more than just depending on a salary after 30 days. Sacrifices had to be made and efforts to make it a fruition was my daily routine. Working with my brother as a co-partner has been a privilege. We have scaled through many walls even in the face of fear and doubts. When we started, we were limited in many things, from finance to expertise, exposure to customers and even advertising techniques.

Running part time business and part time worker was the extra energy we needed to expend. It wasn't that easy, waking up very early in the morning to meet up at your job and later showing up at your own start up can be draining. Of course it showed all over me adding to the fact that I don't even have much flesh, I hope you are not laughing? Lols. The advantage we had was that we were working for the same company at different outlets and our shift was opposite. My brother could in the process open the business while I will be the one to close it. There were lapses in the process anyway until we finally employed someone who helped balance the entire process.

The business still needed more money, we were still at the infantry stage. I knew what standard would do for the business yet it wasn't there by then. Managing what we had was the closest option and it came with some later disadvantages. There was a staff to pay, this was something that made a month look like a day. The advantage again was our work, we were pulling in our salaries to cover a lot of business leakages. This story is easier said, it was one long experience.

A Journey worth it

Fast forwarding, I have been in business and in a few months we will be five years old. Of course I had to quit my job at some point to salvage this business when it was nearing bankruptcy. This was one bold step to keep it going. How do you feel to stop being paid and work on paying yourself? Although the latter is a sought after yet getting the former off your head can be difficult. Times were tough personally as I tried to salvage this business. Where are we now? I am not saying we have reached our vision yet I must say the future from here is bright. Many of my friends always asked me what prompted me to start a business. I personally wanted to free myself from that 30 day wait and it finally worked out.

In the current economy, there has been shrinkage in jobs and a slash in payments. Of course every industry is facing the heat. Employers and employees alike have to readjust. Nevertheless, I can say we as a business are shining. Our few years of existence have garnered attention already. Trust has been built and we have a customer base to continue with in business. The beauty of business is how it can surprise you with the unexpected. How often do you get that call that puts money into your pocket? Business has made this look very easy. Surviving the current economic scare has been as a result of having a vision which I personally must return thanks to my creator.

The first thing that brought us here was showing up. You could remember my earlier statement with the sun, it is always there, waiting for the clouds to pave way. There may be several delays even in where we ought to be by now yet one needs to appreciate the little achievements. Having a business name that resonates in the heart of individuals is an opportunity to shine. We are moving into the incorporation stage and the whole thing will be much easier than expected. Take for instance, Nike can easily open a book producing company and scale, it's not really about the book, there is a reputable name that will backup the selling.

To conclude, let me add, climbing the business ladder has been a journey mixed with shipwrecks. Nevertheless, I can say it is worth it. Even as a medium scale entrepreneur, business has proven to me it can put food on the table and also further other necessities. You can shine at your appointed time if you refuse to back down. There is much to be achieved. Pushing this business to a global standard is the vision and I am not giving up on this. At least the foundation has been laid, it is time to continuously build on it.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
