[Esp/Eng] Concurso PhotoFeed - Fotografía de Paisaje Ronda 73, Playa san Luis, vista desde el colegio médico en Cumaná/ PhotoFeed Competition - Landscape Photography Round 73. San Luis beach, view from the medical school in Cumana.
Hello image hunters! It's a pleasure to greet you today and take the opportunity to participate in the PhotoFeed Landscape Photography Contest Round 73 and I do it with an image of San Luis Beach, seen from the medical school in Cumana.

La ciudad de Cumaná, queda en el oriente venezolano y está situada en la costa del mar caribe, es por esto que cuenta con una franja litoral de más de 7 kilómetros de longitud y allí se encuentran preciosas playas y está es una de las más importantes.
The city of Cumana is located in eastern Venezuela and is located on the coast of the Caribbean Sea, which is why it has a coastline of more than 7 kilometers long and there are beautiful beaches and this is one of the most important.
Les agradezco grandemente su visita a mi publicación y siempre es un placer leer sus comentarios y sugerencias ¡muchas gracias!
Thank you very much for visiting my publication and it is always a pleasure to read your comments and suggestions, thank you very much!
📸 fotografía tomada por/ photograph taken by @damelysh, Samsung A13
📓 traducción por/ translation by Traductor de DeepL
🌄 banderas editadas en/ banners edited in Canva