[ESP-ENG] mi entrada a ronda del #POBphotocontest; Religión, el Nazareno de la basílica menor de Santa Inés/ my entry to the #POBphotocontest round; Religion, the Nazarene of the minor basilica of Saint Agnes.
Hola cazadores de imágenes!!! Esta es mi entrada a ronda del #POBphotocontest; Religión, impulsada por @friendlymoose.
Hello image hunters!!! This is my entry to the #POBphotocontest round; Religion, powered by @friendlymoose.
La imágen que les presento las tomé en semana Santa del año pasado, durante el miércoles santo esperando la salida del Nazareno, donde sale la sagrada imágen de Cristo con la cruz a cuestas, ese día se conmemora que Jesús es juzgado por el sanedrín (tribunal religioso dd la época) y condenado a la crucifixión.
I took the image that I present to you during Holy Week last year, during Holy Wednesday waiting for the departure of the Nazarene, where the sacred image of Christ appears with the cross on his back, that day commemorates that Jesus is judged by the Sanhedrin (court religious at the time) and condemned to crucifixion.
Cada año el Nazareno sale en procesión y en la iglesia se dan cita los feligreses devotos a él y con fervor cristiano cumplen las estaciones de la pasión y muerte de nuestro señor Jesucristo.
Every year the Nazarene goes out in procession and parishioners devoted to him gather in the church and with Christian fervor they observe the seasons of the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In my city the procession leaves from the minor basilica of Santa Inés and travels through the streets of the historic center of the city of Cumaná. The image was carved in Spain by the artisan Antonio Pacheco, who lived in Madrid and was made in 1876 and brought to Cumaná in 1877.
Espero que les haya gustado mi entrada aprecio en gran medida sus comentarios, son los que me ayudan a crecer. Muchas gracias por visitarme.
I hope you liked my entry. I greatly appreciate your comments, they are what help me grow. Thank you very much for visiting me.
📸 fotografía tomada por/ photograph taken by @damelysh, cubotJ5
📓 traducción por/ translation by Traductor de DeepL
Oh so that's what happens during Holy Week in your area.