Memoir Monday #6. Retirement? [ING-ESP]


In your opinion, when is the right time to retire?

There are words that take on different meanings depending on the context in which you place them, and at the same time, each meaning marks a time, a stage, and retirement is one of them. Let me tell you.

When I was a teenager back in the 1970s, we used the word retire in the school environment, to mean that we did not go to class on any given day, voluntarily, for no apparent reason, it was just one more tremendous thing.

It was an act of irresponsibility, which made your mother's trust vulnerable and put you at risk of something "bad" happening to you, when you should be safe inside your school institution, besides, in the long run, your representative would find out because the absence from class was registered and in the quarterly report (bulletin) would be recorded.

But all this made retirement a feat, a fun adventure, it was to give a day a touch of freedom that, at that stage of our lives, is one of the most longed-for emotions and ideals.

I remember that on one occasion two friends and I decided to retire, in my case, it was somewhat complicated because my mother would leave us at the door of the school to go to work.

It was a school of nuns and there were always two or more nuns at the door welcoming the students, I could not let them see me, my sisters knew I would not enter class, so taking advantage of the volume of students, representatives and vehicles crowded at the entrance, when I got out of my mom's car, I stopped among the large group of people and as soon as I could I turned around and went to the opposite side, my friends, who arrived by their own means, were waiting for me around the corner.

It was an unforgettable morning for many reasons, because we had a lot of fun visiting the stores downtown, where we measured clothes, shoes, party dresses and even makeup. In addition, we had breakfast in a nice lonchería, which is the name of what today we could describe as a cafeteria.

Then came the stage where that word practically disappeared from my vocabulary, between study, work and personal life, retirement was something very distant, since I was seventeen years old I worked as a teacher in a private institution, it was only when I was around 28-29 years old that I began to realize that this future was not so distant and that I needed to enter the public education system, which was the one I was retiring.

It was when they approved a legal instrument to enter the public administration as a teacher, which among many things opened the opportunity to compete for the position, leaving behind the old practice of obtaining the position through politics. So I competed, won and obtained my teaching position in an elementary school.

In our educational system, teachers have an established time of service of twenty-five years to be retired, I entered at thirty years of age, I had thirteen years of service in the private sector of which only five were validated, that is to say I had to work twenty years more in the educational sector to reach retirement, by then I would be fifty years old.

So I relaxed and enjoyed most of my working years, towards the last five years of service the educational system began to undergo changes with which I did not feel identified and the work began to suffocate me and the word retirement became a longed condition, when my statutory time came I had to spend four more years to leave the educational system.


During this pre-retirement period I had the opportunity to explore other areas of my interest such as goldsmithing, writing, teaching courses and workshops for adults, because I could not imagine staying at home without a work purpose, besides I had many dreams to fulfill, because I am convinced that manual or intellectual work keeps us energetic, full of life and challenges.

So to the question, when is the right time to retire? My answer is when we feel that our work function no longer brings us joy, when you get tired, not of what you do, but of the conditions for doing it and that these are unsatisfactory.

On the other hand, to retire from life, that is, to have the conviction that we have no more to give to others nor do we have the illusion, strength and motivation to continue creating and "producing", will be the time to retire, while this does not happen, because we continue giving the best we have.

This is my entry in the Memoir Monday week 6 proposal, an initiative of @ericvancewalton. Go to link and join this interesting work of collecting your memories.

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En Español


En su opinión, ¿cuándo es el momento adecuado para jubilarse?

Hay palabras que cobran distintos sentidos en el contexto donde las coloques a la vez que cada significado va marcando un tiempo, una etapa, jubilarse es una de ellas. Te comento.

Cuando yo era adolescente por allá en los años 1970, utilizábamos la palabra jubilarse en el ámbito escolar, para significar que no entrábamos a clase un día cualquiera, de manera voluntaria, sin ninguna razón aparente, solo era una tremendura más.

Era un acto de irresponsabilidad, que vulnerable la confianza materna y que te ponía en riesgo de que algo “malo” te pasará, cuando deberías estar a buen resguardo dentro de tu institución escolar, además que a la larga, tu representante se enteraría porque la inasistencia a clase quedaba registrada y en el informe trimestral (boletín) estarían plasmadas.

Pero todo esto hacía que el jubilarse fuese una hazaña, una aventura divertida, era imprimirle a un día cualquiera un toque de libertad que, en esa etapa de nuestras vidas, es una de las emociones e ideales más añorados.

Recuerdo que en una oportunidad dos amigas y yo decidimos jubilarnos, en mi caso, resultaba algo complicado pues, mi mamá nos dejaba en la puerta del colegio para seguir a su trabajo.

Era un colegio de monjas y siempre había dos o más monjas en la puerta recibiendo a las alumnas, no podía dejarme ver por ellas, mis hermanas sabían que no entraría a clase, así que aprovechando el volumen de alumnos, representantes y vehículos aglomerados en la entrada, al bajarme del carro de mi mamá, me detuve entre el grupo grande de personas y en lo que pude di la media vuelta y agarré para el lado contrario, mis amigas, que llegaban por sus propios medios, me esperaban al voltear la esquina.

Fue una mañana inolvidable por muchas razones, pues nos divertimos mucho visitando las tiendas del centro de la ciudad, donde nos medimos ropa, zapatos, vestidos de fiesta y hasta maquillaje. Además, desayunamos en una bonita lonchería, que así se llamaban lo que hoy pudiéramos describir como cafetería.

Luego llegó la etapa donde esa palabra prácticamente desapareció de mi vocabulario, entre estudio, trabajo y vida personal, jubilarse laboralmente era algo muy lejano, desde los diecisiete años trabajaba como docente en una institución privada, fue solo cuando rondaba los 28-29 años que comencé a caer en cuenta de que ese futuro no era tan lejano y que requería entrar al sistema educativo público, que era el que jubilaba.

Fue cuando aprobaron un instrumento legal para ingresar a la administración pública como docente, que entre tantas cosas abría la oportunidad de concursar para obtener el cargo, dejando a tras la vieja práctica de obtener el cargo por la vía política. Así que concursé, gane y obtuve mi cargo docente en una escuela primaria.

En nuestro sistema educativo los docentes tienen establecido un tiempo de servicio de veinticinco años para ser jubilados, yo entré a los treinta años de edad, tenía trece años de servicios en el sector privado de los cuales solo me validaban cinco, es decir debía trabajar veinte años más en el sector educativo para llegar a la jubilación, para ese entonces tendría cincuenta años de edad.

Así que me relajé y disfruté la mayor parte de mis años laborales, hacia los últimos cinco años de servicio el sistema educativo comenzó a sufrir cambios con los que no me sentía identificada y el trabajo comenzó a asfixiarme y la palabra jubilación pasó a ser una condición añorada, cuando llegó mi tiempo reglamentario tuve que esterar cuatro años más para salir del sistema educativo.

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-24 at 07.34.15 (1).jpegTrio de jubiladas

Durante ese periodo de prejubilación tuve oportunidad de ir explorando otras áreas de mi interés como la orfebrería, la escritura, dictar cursos y talleres para adultos, pues no me imaginaba quedarme en mi casa sin un propósito laboral, además que tenía muchos sueños por cumplir, pues estoy convencida que el trabajo manual o intelectual nos mantienen enérgicos, llenos de vida y retos.

Así que a la pregunta, ¿cuándo es el momento adecuado para jubilarse? Mi respuesta es que cuando sentimos que nuestra función laboral ya no nos produce alegría, cuando te cansas, no de lo que haces, sino de las condiciones para hacerlo y que estas sean poco satisfactorias.

Por otra parte, jubilarnos de la vida, esto es, tener la convicción de que no tenemos más que dar al otro ni tenemos la ilusión, fuerza y motivación para seguir creando y “produciendo”, será el momento de jubilarnos, mientras esto no suceda, pues seguimos dando lo mejor que tengamos.

Esta es mi participación en la propuesta de la sexta semana de Memoir Monday, una iniciativa de @ericvancewalton. Entra al link y únete a este interesante trabajo de recoger tus memorias.

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So to the question, when is the right time to retire? My answer is when we feel that our work function no longer brings us joy, when you get tired, not of what you do, but of the conditions for doing it and that these are unsatisfactory.

Great advice! When you're starting to have more bad days than good it's a good sign that it's time for a change.

Were you nervous when you "retired" as a teenager and spent the day away from school? We called that "cutting class" here in the US. I did so much of it, especially my last year of high school. I only needed two credits to graduate so I had seven "study halls". I think I was away from school more than I attended classes my last year.

Thank you for sharing your stories! Have a wonderful weekend.


Did it scare me when I was "retiring"? Yes, very much so, that was part of the excitement, to break the norm a little, and to assume what might be coming.

You pick up the idea very well : "When you start having more bad days than good days it's a good sign that it's time for a change." so it is.

Have a great weekend too @ericvancewalton 😊


Story behind the retirement is interesting. While retiring with frienda, as you call, you shou it, you should have lot of fun. We usually call it "bunking classes" . When there is no life while working definitely its the right time ro retire.


"Bunk class", sounds weird to me that expression, I can interpret it as "not going to class to stay sleeping" hahahahahah. I think as a teenager most of us feel the temptation to break away from the school routine at some point.

Cheers, thanks for stopping by and commenting. Happy weekend @shamis 😊


mi mama se va a jubilar pronto, saludos y gracias, feliz jubilacion.
