The beauty of the SAG palm oil mill, which stands for PT SATIAAGUNG.


Good afternoon, my friends who are in the economy or hive, on this occasion I would like to share several photos of the beauty of the palm oil mills that I have visited in 2023.
This factory is called a PT factory, not a private factory, this PT's garden is quite extensive, there are gardens around as far as I know. 16000 hectares.

This factory will just be ready to be built in 2022, before there was an extraordinarily dense forest where this factory was built, friends.
And this factory is also a bit too far from the nearest community villages, friends, because this PT has its own land area.
The view in this factory area is also very good because the factory is located on a hill, if we look from the road towards the factory, the SAG factory is incredibly beautiful.
The factory color is quite beautiful, navy blue.

That's enough for me to tell you about my post this time regarding photography in the PkS Satiaagung area today, more or less I apologize to all my friends. Thank You. greetings @dahri13
