Why I'm still buying LEO after all these years

Here we go again. Another year, another big at bat for the INLEO team. From geysers to defi to defi 2.0 to bridges to #projectblank to the "Everything" app and a name change, we're now on the cusp of yet another big swing by the LEO team. Namely, at making LEO the conduit to L1 native asset exchanges from HIVE to pretty much every blockchain out there, and vice versa. Is this the one we've been waiting for? Time will tell. In the meantime, I'm still here and I'm still buying LEO.

Why keep stacking?

For me it basically comes down to one thing: @khal and the team behind INLEO.

I used to be in the financial industry and when it came to start-ups and small companies, there was always ONE question that needed to be answered that was more important than any others. Obviously they needed to have a decent idea and some intelligence, but the most important question was always: What kind of character does the owner/founder/decision-maker have and how will he/she respond to adversity?

That, more than any other factor, dictates the chance of success. Will they still BE THERE when the shit hits the fan? Will they cut corners? Will they avoid confrontation? Will they run and hide when things get tough? Or will they pick themselves up again when they get knocked down and come back more determined than ever to succeed?

If at first you don't succeed.....

After 5 years of being involved with Leo and all it's iterations, I don't think there's any question that Khal & Co have demonstrated that they're not going anywhere. They are in it for the long haul and they've stood and faced the music every time something hasn't worked out as planned.

Unfortunately, the best lessons in life are almost always learned the hard way. This team has failed on multiple occasions but has continued to learn from their mistakes and keeps coming back better, smarter, more experienced, and more determined than ever to get it right. For the most part, the lessons they've learned cannot be learned in any way other than by doing. There are no shortcuts.

Still the Wild West

We are at the very cusp of a brand new technology that until recently was still being ignored by most of the legacy finance world. The only legacy money coming into this space was basically venture capitalists rug-pulling the masses. The time spent, energy expended, and knowledge gained by this team over the last 5 years cannot be replicated. It has been bought and paid for with effort, ingenuity, creative thinking, and yes, failing. But those "failures" have helped to create the platform we're using right now.

The difference between where we are now and what this place looked like even two years ago is night and day. Massive progress has been made from microblogging, to images, to videos, to polls, to bookmarks, lists, etc. This is starting to turn into a real social media platform capable of being used by the masses. It's not there yet, obviously, but every new enhancement feels like it's bringing us that much closer.

Refocusing inwards

Back at the beginning, the focus seemed to go out. Out to other chains. Out to the defi world. Out to more tokens. Out to wrapped and synthesized assets. It has now come back in. Building the Inleo platform. Adding enhancements and features. Building in ad revenues, premium memberships, evergreen content, and now cutting the "mistakes" out of the equation so that everything can come back to being solely directed at the LEO token, increasing the value of being a part of this platform.

I don't think there's any question that there has been massive progress to the infrastructure behind INLEO. The token price might not reflect it, but this place is worth more now than it's ever been, and we're now at the plate again taking another big swing at hitting it out of the park.

Will it succeed? Who knows? All I can say is it looks very promising. There's also no one standing around with their hands out looking for more money. It's being built and grown organically from within. The goal is to add value internally so the money will come. Not spend a bunch of money to try and add value. Big difference.

Picking up speed

Over the last five years, I've bought LEO at over $1, around 3 cents, and everywhere in between, and I'm still buying today. Khal continues to demonstrate that he's not going to take no for an answer. It hasn't always been pretty, but the ship keeps moving forward and it feels like it's starting to pick up some real momentum. The timing was terrible for the defi experiment with a bear market. Hopefully this can be the other side of that coin with success coinciding with a bull market.

As always, time will tell, but I've always believed it's not a question of if this place takes off, but when, and nothing that's happened over the last five years has changed my mind. Hopefully next year at this time we'll all be kicking ourselves for not buying more.

Hive is the Way

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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love this post. I have not been around Leo as long but I’m all in now. And you are right about how the team seems focused on making this work. I keep buying and looking forward to the bright future of this token. !PIZZA !BBH


@dagger212! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @dkid14. (1/5)


yes, great sticktoitness.. GO LEO!!


Thank you for your support all these years 🦁. I started INLEO when I was just 20 years old. Things have come a long way since then and I’ve always said that this ecosystem will thrive in the coming decades. It’s a long-term vision I have but I believe we’re laying the foundation - brick-by-brick - to become one of the most valuable Web3 ecosystems in the world.

All I can say is it looks very promising. There's also no one standing around with their hands out looking for more money. It's being built and grown organically from within. The goal is to add value internally so the money will come. Not spend a bunch of money to try and add value. Big difference.

I like what you said here too. I listed out a bunch of things in the last AMA that were mistakes on Cub/pCUB and what we’re doing differently this time. A big one is that we’re not asking for capital like we were on those. The liquidity pools are built by Maya Protocol already. The liquidity is already there. Leo is now tapping into it as an interface and value provider in a different way: through our interface design and iterations instead of through adding capital.


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