The Book of Eli - Surviving in a Scorched World


Denzel Washington is one of my favorite actors. Whenever I see his name in a movie, I somehow tend to watch that movie and watch it the first time I have the opportunity. The 2010 movie The Book of Eli was one of the movies in which I saw Denzel Washington's name and set out to watch it.


After watching the movie for a while, I realized that this was not the first time I watched it as some scenes reminded me. I continued to watch it as a reminder because I must have watched the movie a long time ago; it was not fresh in my memory.

Before moving on to Denzel Washington's performance, I realized that the film contains messages for people who believe in a particular religion and for people who don't. I don't think I had that thought on my first viewing because I would have remembered it if I had.

One of the messages I thought it had was to instill in Christians the value they should place on their own holy book. I can't say that I find that strange, because every faith should value the book and its contents, which it believes to be sacred to its audience. People of other faiths should also respect the holy book of each religion.

Another message, I think, is directed at all living human beings. There is a perception that whoever has the holy book will rule the world. That's the part that I find strange. It's all about putting your own beliefs above other beliefs and your own people above other people. We have seen many times in history how such misconceptions have caused great harm to people.


Set in a dystopian future, in a world scorched by solar flares, the story takes place in a world where everything has been destroyed and the population is struggling for supremacy under the threat of extinction. I think it's a great script so far, and then the purpose of the movie turns into a vicious circle around protecting and possessing the last remaining holy book.

It's about the efforts of those who want to possess the book and rule the world and those who want to protect and multiply the last work that contains the words of God. Denzel Washington does an excellent job as Eli, the protector of the holy book. I already had the impression that whatever role you give this man, he can handle it. I can say that he has never proved me wrong so far.

I didn't like the overall progress of the movie for a few reasons. One of them was that even though it seemed to appeal to the action genre, it had nothing to do with action except for a few scenes. It would have attracted more attention as an adventure movie. The other one is that I thought that the hidden messages in it were intended to influence people's subconscious minds. Maybe I'm wrong.

I liked the locations used to create the image of a scorched world. I think that the feeling that water is the most precious thing would have added extra value to the film. It felt a little strange to watch people still trying to establish superiority despite all that happened, but we see the same frames in similar films.


I can recommend you to watch The Book of Eli just for Denzel Washington. If you don't mind some of the things I said, you will enjoy the movie more. The most thought-provoking scene that stayed in my mind was that the character of Eli was not affected by anything while protecting the holy book. At one point I even questioned the possibility of him being a prophet. Anyway, I wish everyone who will watch it a good time and I hope you enjoy it.


Love how Eli navigates through the chaos
