Building Success: Typically the Best Approach is to DO THE WORK!
I suppose it is part of human nature that people invariably look for shortcuts.
We could attibute that to fundamental laziness, or maybe to entitlement, or maybe to something else... but whenever an opportunity of some kind presents itself, there are invariably going to be those who want to know if there's some "easier way" that ultimately amounts to little more than wanting the benefits, without doing the work.
Alternately, people might try to find ways to get the results without assuming the RISK. That version more often plays out in the world of investing.
From my collection of "weird Dollar bills I own."
The "Something for Nothing" Effect
Back in "another lifetime" I wrote extensively for the so-called "Business Opportunity Press."
Whereas there were lots of potential money makers in that industry, most of them invariably fell apart because people thought they were going to make lots of money without doing much work.
For a while, I worked as a "Solopreneurship Consultant," and it turned out to be a remarkably difficult field because most people came to me for advice on how to "shortcut" the process, because they really didn't want to spend the time — or the effort — needed to actually succeed.
And I did not win any popularity contests by revealing that most opportinities don't "work," it is the people who get involved with those opportunities that "don't work."
If I had a dollar for every time I heard "But I thought it was going to be EASIER!" I actually would have become a successful consultant...!
Hive is a Bit Like That!
Lately, I have been mulling over ways I might be able to "step up my game" and grow my little Hive account at a faster pace.
Just like it holds true with life "out there," the bottom line is that we have to be willing to do the work!
Account building doesn't happen by itself... just like you can't expect to become Mr. Beast a couple of weeks after you sign up for YouTube!
I never pursued the consultancy business because I wasn't willing to put in the work... at least not that kind of work... so I went in search of things to do where I was willing to do the work — as a self-employed individual — thereby giving myself a better chance of sticking with it.
Part of the challenge with that is that sometimes you need to put the money on the back burner and instead determine what it is you really enjoy, and then later figure out how to "monetize" that thing. In my case, I tried to find ways to monetize my hobbies and pastimes.
It ultimately hasn't been a great financial success (we get by) but I can at least look at my world and feel content about the fact that I am doing things I really enjoy... and even if the rewards are somewhat meager, I do enjoy getting up and having another go at it, tomorrow.
And it's difficult to put a monetary value on that!
If it Matters, You'll make the Time!
One of my go-to excuses has always been that I "don't have enough time" to do certain things... like build my Hive account.
But what if time isn't a thing I need to have, but a thing I need to make, via my priorities?
So, getting back to Hive... it seems I just need to take my own advice and make time to do the work that's needed to build my stake... publishing and engaging.
It's pretty simple, really!
Feel free to leave a comment — this IS "social" media, after all!
10% @commentrewarder bonus active on this post!
Hive has in my experince 100% been put the effort in get rewarded for it. Be it in making great contacts, learning or ya know hive.
I have found this to be far more the case on hive then other social media, perhaps because the whole system is built around engagement rather than trying to suck people in to get ad views.
And in that sense, I am grateful that Hive has a lot less clickbaitery than most conventional social media!
So true, and folks aren't nearly as bad for sensationalizing everything.
Reading my first post on your account, @curatorcat.pal, one would be hard pressed to improve on this:
From my experience base in life, this is right in the bullseye. People typically do not want to hear it. Is it not remarkable the effort they will put in to try and find someone who will give them an answer more to their liking?
And when, once again, that doesn't turn out so well, just keep searching for the next wizard who will somehow convince them they do not have to face the central point I read in your post?
Hmmm. What is that old definition of insanity again? 🤔
From my experience base in crypto, there are a remarkable number of people who take this to the limits. They seem to be endlessly pursuing the idea they do not have to do absolutely any work. Typically enjoying referring to themselves with some version of being "degen." The typical outcome? There are plenty of people who seem to be willing to put in at least just enough work to take advantage of them.
New to choosing to participate in contributing on the Hive blockchain, the time commitment is far and away my biggest concern. Always preferring candor, I have been open and honest about wrestling around with that. Still a work-in-progress.
Given the philosophical underpinnings of your post here, I am going to follow your account and see what else you might be inspired to say, in the future.
P.S. A question somewhat in line with your post here, why would a Hivian want to have more than one account? Wouldn't it be easier to just have one? Hahaha ... Seriously, though, since you first brought that to my attention, in your comment on my post, I truly am curious to read what you have to say, in response.
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Thanks for your thoughtful commentary! I was going to aske for @topcomment to come through, but I see someone else already did!
Old habits, I suppose, that have nothing to do with Hive and everything to do with 30 years of publishing online... but specifically going back to the "first death" of blogging around the rise of MySpace/Facebook: If you wanted to be seen and read, you had to have a niche.
The original @curatorcat blog is all about cat fluff and cat pictures, so this version splintered off as a place to do some deeper explorations of other topics, along with writing some general commentary. Could they be together? Sure, the same way posts about auto repair and knitting could "be together."
Personally? I like to "sort" things. Hence, two accounts.
It's pretty common, for example with people who post daily gaming updates about one specific game... and occasionally write about completely unrelated stuff. Or I'm sure you have seen the plentiful "Actifit" updates? Many people have an Actifit account, and a general content account.
Time is always what I struggle with, but I have come to accept that I'm not going to allow my sense of perfectionism to get in the way... or to suck the enjoyment out of doing this. I will get as far as I get, and sometimes I will end up taking week/month long breaks because life calls.
After all, this is not a job, or even a contracting gig.
To the same end, I harbor no illusions that I'll end up building something on the same scale as those who seem to be spending hours and hours here.
Topcomment also proactively looks for quality comments 😉
Gotcha, good to know! I sometimes use topcomment "in reverse" to track down posts that seem to have good engagement.
I haven't thought of that use case before!
Thanks for letting us know.
Okay, this makes sense, @curatorcat.pal:
In looking at your other account, we can all see your original focus. With your input, I'll think about that some more. My first impressions are linked to what I have written about in my "Getting Paid" post and knowing related choices I made at the outset are almost certainly going to limit the financial side of any success I experience.
Yes, agreed. Key to my future of contributing content here is how I work out my version of more or less the same thing.
Thank you for sharing your perspective with me! 🤝
@curatorcat.pal, you're rewarding 2 replies from this discussion thread.