Reverse goal setting: A method for achieving our dreams
I came across this goal setting method called the reverse goal setting method. According to Justin Sung, it is a transformative approach to achieving our goals with greater clarity and confidence. Unlike conventional goal setting, which focuses primarily on outcomes without a clear path to achievement, reverse goal setting works backward from our desired result to create a strategic roadmap.
These are the 5 Steps of Reverse Goal Setting
Step 1: Identify Our Long-Term Goal
Begin by defining what we genuinely want to achieve. Remember that our real goal isn't just the outcome but the feeling we hope to experience. Keep our timeline realistic - no more than 3 years ahead to maintain flexibility and adaptability.
Step 2: Define Our Future Self
This is where reverse goal setting truly differentiates itself. Instead of focusing solely on the outcome, identify the person we need to become to make achieving your goal easy. What skills, habits, attributes, and opportunities would that person have? This "meta goal" becomes our primary focus. For example, if we want to be wealthy, our future self is that person with the attribute deserving of that long term goal.
Step 3: Define Our Current Self
Honestly assess where we currently stand in relation to our future self. Rate ourself on the key skills and attributes we identified. The gap between our current and future self becomes our plan.
Step 4: Do A Force Field Analysis
Map out the barriers preventing us from becoming our future self and the drivers that can help us succeed. Consider our existing skills, network, and resources that can be leveraged to overcome obstacles.
Step 5: Build Our Plan
Based on our analysis, determine what to focus on first, when to start, and how to approach it. Prioritize the areas with the biggest gaps that will take the longest to develop. Be realistic about timelines and focus on just one or two areas at a time for the best chance of success.
Let's operationalise it. Try filling out the form below.
Reverse Goal Setting Worksheet
Step 1: Identify Your Long-Term Goal
Long-Term Vision (5-10 years):
Why (Desired Feeling/Outcome):
Medium-Term Goal (1-3 years):
Specific Requirements:
Step 2: Define Your Future Self
Skills Needed (Rating on importance):
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
Habits Needed (Rating on importance):
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
Attributes Needed (Rating on importance):
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
Opportunities Needed (Rating on importance):
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
Step 3: Define Your Current Self
Current Skills (Rating on current state):
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
Current Habits (Rating on current state):
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
Current Attributes(Rating on current state):
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
Current Opportunities (Rating on current state):
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
- ______________ | Rating (1-10): ____
Step 4: Force Field Analysis
Step 5: Build Your Plan
What to Focus On First:
When to Start:
How to Approach It:
Timeline (Be Realistic!):
Focus Area 1:
- Start Date: ______________
- 30-Day Progress: ______________
- 60-Day Progress: ______________
- 90-Day Progress: ______________
Focus Area 2:
- Start Date: ______________
- 30-Day Progress: ______________
- 60-Day Progress: ______________
- 90-Day Progress: ______________
Remember that improving skills and changing habits takes time and consistent effort. By focusing on becoming the person who can easily achieve your goals, rather than just the outcome itself, you set yourself up for sustainable success in both the short and long term.
A life without plan will make the life to be limited , so its good to make great plans if we want to have a great life.
Thanks for sharing this amazing tips
what a beautiful goal setting strategy
This piqued my interest. I will try to reorganize myself with this approach
All the best, bro!
Thank you.
Not feasible for 99% of people. In order to pull this through, you need an ironstrong self-discipline. But people can´t change habits just by pushing a button (if it would be so easy, why there is an epidemic of fat people?). And most of the people do not have this self-discipline, that´s why they are where they are right now.
So just another guy who wants to sell his books and videos.
Good steps to take in order to achieve our dreams
Very true
I enjoyed reading every part of what you wrote , so interesting and I learnt alot from it.
Thanks for this amazing piece
Quite the first time I am hearing about this strategy of goal setting. I will definitely try it out
Beautiful tips on how to set our goals and achieve them