5 Mana Echophons , Nature Atlanteans in Mythic w YT vid

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5 mana Echophons, Get em while they're hot!

This deck and accompanying youtube video you can check out here. Utilizing various nature cards, ONLY ATLANTEANS, and herald of the hydra to achieve victory and delicious 5 mana echophons. I use various clips from film and media to create these memes for youtube editing in cards to add a dash of humour to the 2 matches displayed in the youtube video.

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How could anyone resist making this sexy hydra cost 5 mana? I know I couldn't.


Deck Strategy, Control Nature with a twist

This deck intends to survive until "midrange" by utilizing winter's bounty and swathes of removal (all the while refreshing to proc Herald of the Hydra). Not to mention atherchest and great eyes blessing shennanigans. This deck is extremely fun to play but feels a bit coin tossy, however as nature develops this is a deck/archtype I will be revisiting.



Mythic Viable, But....

Even though this performed in mythic above 50 percent. It didn't really feel as grounded as I would've liked to continue with it in the meta. The meta being mostly Arrandions, aggro war, or the occasional control nature or heal light. This deck doesn't pair well into arrandion so it has a bit of a hard time as is in the meta.



Making the video, Laddering, and Random Thoughts


These days the meta has felt a bit polarized (but this tends to be GU usually so I'm not too taken aback by it). The only decks that seem to survive are those that perform into BOTH Arrandion or Aggro war, sadly this leaves MANY decks by the wayside until the next expansion since both aforementioned decks are INCREDIBLY overtuned and able to overcome most/all other aggros and controls on average (with exceptions of course being Heal light and mayday as some of the only decks that "can hang"). This video was a blast to make, I wanted to add in some more memes compared to my "Prophet of the Blade" video and I think I did a fairly decent job for being a total Neanderthal. Sadly my live streaming has lead to me not playing ladder as the content just isn't quite there (people are already tired of seeing the same decks over and over, perhaps I need to finish up my wonky mayday list) and I typically start memeing in casual or direct challenging chat. This is still a helluva lot of fun, but it's not the ideal when it comes to content creation. Thanks for reading and checking out this video everyone, don't forget to like subscribe and do all the social media things you folks do both here on HIVE and elsewhere. You all rock, seriously, like sedimentary.

Until next time, see you on the ladder in Eucos.




Cool video man. I like the edit :D had a few lols


Thanks man! Glad it was funny, I had fun making it. Thanks for checking it out and taking time out of your day. Appreciate the feedback. Cheers. !PIZZA


Echopon is a very annoying card, I usually lose with it using my Aggro Nature once my opponent got to play it.
