Toughing Up Tough Times



Ever heard the phrase, ‘Tough times don’t last, but tough people do’? Well, that’s one among the many stories of my life I’m about to share.

Growing up, I’ve come to agree that as humans, we will always get to encounter tough and challenging times, as well as soul-stretching and breaking circumstances. The going can get so tough you’ll feel like half of your total years on earth have been taken away from you. But the smiles comes when you keep going until you get to the end as a winner. When that sigh of relief comes through, there, you have a tough person.

Let me tell you about one tough period in my life and how I overcame it. I had just finished my senior secondary education at 15 years old, which was about 3 years earlier than the 18-year national age for finishing secondary school. I was and still am, a very brilliant student, loved by both teachers and students alike cause of my smartness.

I applied for the tertiary school exams the following year with the hope of continuing my education at 16. And I passed very well, as usual. But guess what? That became the first of many exams I wrote in my struggle to get into a higher institution. I wasn’t admitted that year as a result of the school’s internal matters. That came as a blow. But since it was my first time, I was not so affected by it.

I kept going and applied again the following year and passed only for everything that happened the previous year to repeat itself. This was when the pain started kicking in. On getting to the third year, my dad suggested I skip that year and get myself together. It was a hard decision but I did it. The year that followed, I tried again, now being up to 18 years of age. This time, it was I who didn’t meet up to the cut-off mark and men don’t cry but I cried a river.

I lost a touch on life seeing my mates getting ready for their final year in school while I was yet to get in. It was a trying time for me. But I didn’t allow it to keep me down for long. After about 2 months of sorrowing, I picked myself up and decided to try again for the 4th time. But this time, I applied for an international school. I wasn’t even expectant, as I had slowly gotten used to rejections, but I made sure to study really hard for my exams.

When the academic session started that year, I can clearly remember rolling in my box of clothing together with many other students looking for our hostel room number. Yes, you got it right, I finally got in and in a very stress-free way. 4 years down the line, I’m set to be a graduate by the end of this year.

For many, this might not look like a tough time, but it surely was for me. And the best thing I did that turned things in my favour was not give up. I kept trying till I won. Indeed, tough times won’t last forever, but a tough person will. And, I’m a tough person.


Getting admission into University is tough on its own. Especially here in Nigeria sometimes scoring very high will not guarantee your desired course. Thank God you overcame and didn't give up.

Congratulations in advance


I can't give up now, thanks dear for the comment.
