When You Just Think Differently

When I was growing up I was always told if you need help like directions always ask a policeman. These days I still think that is good advice, but only for the directions part and anything more serious you sort out yourself. I have had a run in with the UK police over the years all innocent mind you, but they have never filled me with confidence in the time of need. I do think differently than most people and I am very glad I do and I blame experiences in life for how I think.
This topic came up at the weekend with my family and it does anger me at how weak and pathetic people have become. Society has changed so much over the generations and all the protection and molly coddling our parents have done is made the next generations softer and weaker.
When I transferred across from Rothmans South Africa to Rothmans UK way back in 1994 it was for a change of scenery and a fresh start getting away from the political mayhem and violence in South Africa. This had been on my mind for a good few years as what I was doing for work was normal for myself, but elsewhere maybe not so much.
Working for a cigarette company back then was like driving around with cash and this made you an easy target if you were not vigilant. Your car had cigarette advertising sign written all over it so everyone knew who you were unless they were blind.
Once every 6 weeks we would do a reconnaissance drive into Northern Natal going off the beaten track visiting the local shops in areas where factional/tribal fighting was rampant building up to the elections. Our job was to record which shops were still open that had not already been raised to the ground. Roughly half still existed which made it easier and safer for our local representatives in the area to then plan their routes using plain normal cars. We were doing this because they were to scared to do this job as they belonged to various tribes and were personally involved in the battle.
My normal job at the time had a mix of upmarket areas and then the not so desirable ones which thinking back now were a little risky and if asked now would have turned them down. Being the only white guy around these areas was not ideal especially with a political atmosphere of hatred that had been brewing for decades because of apartheid. There were some hairy moments which I have mentioned in other posts with one in particular with police shooting over the top of my car whilst driving with a shot gun at the car in front of me who was also shooting back. They were arrested and I had a ring side seat so you can understand why I had thoughts of leaving.
When I arrived in the UK my new manager was smiling wen he saw my CV as he said I was exactly what they needed. East London and South East London was notorious for gangs and the UK cigarette companies did not service these areas. The cigarette companies cars were targeted for crime with one staff member being locked in his car boot. Not what I was expecting as these areas ad been vacant for over 5 years and I was given 2 years to clean up the data base ready for hand over to the next person. No suit and tie and I was to blend in with the locals which was impossible due to me being 6ft 5 and weighing 120kg's.
The work took time as it involved driving up every road and side street getting the details of every single shop and bottle store that sold cigarettes. Every other shop would take longer as I was also burning product that had weevils so I was educating the store owners at the same time.
There were one or two break ins on my vehicle and I was now facing a different type of crime where they would use a battery operated drill directly through the number plate and using another tool would pop the boot. The difference was I had been vigilant as this is something you never lose and within a week or two I already knew who the criminals were. It looked like a father and son team wit the elder guy having silver hair (nicknamed the fox) and the younger chap fairly over weight nicknamed porky.
The same two attacked a young lady who I knew very well and was also the owner of a cash and carry I serviced. She ended up in intensive care and this is when my job changed as I was now doing the hunting. They were no longer getting the odd break in as I was doubling back hoping for a chance meeting and I was even dressed prepared with boots. I was also now part of the police CID setting up traps with myself as the bait.
We never caught them and I blame myself for this one as I had lured the two crooks on a special goose chase half way across London even waiting and slowing down at traffic lights so I would not lose them. This was just before everyone had cell phones and I had to pull over and use a phone at a shop. I phoned my detective contact at the police station who was unavailable and the fool policeman on the phone after being told not too sent a police car to come assist. I phoned my boss asking for permission to ram the vehicle which after very little deliberation at head office was denied. That was the mistake and I know that now as I should not have asked first. What was I expecting a yes answer lol.
The detective phoned me later that day apologizing for the cock up and the panda car being no help. The cops arrived and the crooks drove off which is typical. The police then tolled me they were dressed in suits so most likely debt collectors and wanted to know if I had any outstanding money owed to anyone. Suddenly they were no longer crooks and it must be me who is at fault ad why you avoid the police. The crunch part though was the detective confirmed the license plates on the car were fake and I was let down by the police.
When I see the new information coming out about the grooming gangs in the UK I am not surprised and feel the entire county has been let down by the inadequacies in the police force. When my kids were going to school in the UK I took them and fetched them from school as at the time kids were being kidnapped by a man in the van in the area we lived in. I blame poor parenting and no support from the police for what has taken place as surely being vigilant and applying common sense especially with your loved ones must be a priority. This grooming gang problem should have been resolved by the community with or without the help of the police.
Back in the late 1990's and early 2000's it was not safe to let your kids out as times had definitely changed from when I was growing up as a kid. Most definitely I do think differently having been in the military and having seen and experienced a very different side of life that was not sheltered.
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Hard stuff what you experienced. When Did you quit at Rothmans since I guess you are not working there These days, Right?
I am still employed by them in an around about way which is another long story lol.
Such a harsh way to deal with crime. As you said, your vigilante mode was what save you in different situations, not counting on the "help" of the professionals, that never show up in "time".
I have never had help from the police and you have to sometimes fix things another way.
Living in Portugal, and being a Caucasian guy makes my life much easier, I cannot unseen it... Many times I picture myself living in other "man's shoes", and what it would bring with it. Reading your story about your background and actual job status makes me be proud of your courage and quick though mind!
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