The Learning Curve


What first seemed like a great idea has now turned into a very costly mistake and I will have to somehow use it or get rid of it due to the space this is now taking up.

With the punchbag business about to kick off in the next few weeks I have already noticed a steep learning curve and the knowledge I am already gathering. If you are going to produce the best possible product you need to know what that will entail and I am already past the stage at what the previous suppliers were producing.

The green environmental deal using textile waste from a local manufacturer has been called off as that material is of no use to this product. The material is too light and in order to compact it into the required space would be too labor intensive and thus too costly. Those advising me at the tie should have said something before I had nearly 8 tons stock piled. I will have to use some of it now as I hate to know how much this would cost to dump. You learn very quickly as this could have been a costly mistake.

Common Sense

When I first thought about finding the weight required I automatically thought about a sand tube running down the center and apparently that is what all the high end bags have in the States. I wish someone had told me this at the beginning and not have me had to work this out.


The smart play is to first buy in bags of 40Kg's before I order by the truck load even though this is double the price, but is more convenient whilst getting set up.

The river sand is what I would call the profit maker due to it being so cheap compared to textile waste. A bag filled with a 50% tube of sand plus 50% textile waste brings my costs into the area of what I would call a great business.

I have my handyman arriving any minute now and his job will be to manufacture a stand for a large bin that will hold sand that can be filled via a chute directly into a high quality (thick micron) plastic tube which can speed up the process. I do not want sand everywhere as this needs to be professionally done and not look amateurish.


Time is not something I have thee days as the order is due to be delivered on the 27th so it needs to be ready for delivery by the 25th of this month. I have not even received the skins yet (next week) and when they arrive there is no time to lose. I will only know next week the numbers required and I am hoping for a small amount first off, but we know that never happens.

The textile waste needs to be ordered and delivered and I know that is 32 tons, but have no clue how much space that would even require. The river sand I will buy from the local hardware for now as I just don't see where I would put 6 tons of that along with 32 tons of material plus already having 8 tons of bagged material I do not even need. The river sand is the key as the price s 6 x cheaper than textile waste and will along with packed textile waste do the job very well.

A friend of mine who I have known for years is seeing me on Monday so the plastic tubing can be ordered with the emphasis on the plastic being thick and strong enough not to break. The last thing I would need is recalled punchbags due to sand pouring out.

So much needs to happen in such a short period of time it is kind of scary to think this is even possible, but we all know it has to happen. This should be a fun project to master mainly due to the fact that there is very good profit to be had. I still cannot believe idiots doing this before me screwed this up so badly.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You can do this! And don't dump the stuff you can't use YET as there's always something you can do with it. Think outside the box (or bag, as the case may be).

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I cannot just dump this now as it is classed as industrial waste and that is expensive to dump. The other part is I cannot just store this as there is a cost to the space with rent and it would take months to use even if I placed 1kg in every bag. Not a great problem and I will find a way.
