Speaking Your Mind



Lately as in the last 5 years I have noticed I don't have the patience I used to have and don't tolerate foolish behavior. In the past I used to let it stew inside and try and be as delicate as possible when delivering my point of view, but that doesn't seem to work anymore and why the more direct change was required. How many times I have bitten my tongue only to regret not jumping in after the fact. Maybe it is an age thing or most likely just trying to get tings right the first time and not appeasing everyone wasting precious time.

This quite honestly has changed me as a person because I am no longer mulling over things in my head and can already be solving new problems. There is no time to waste and the way of modern society with the snow flake approach it is no wonder the world is in a mess. I have sat in board room meetings thinking the exact opposite of what is being said, but kept quiet and I know I should have spoken up. Maybe good or bad, but I think it is healthy that you should always discuss a difference of opinion because then both sides are discussed.

Why do people beat around the bush when something obviously needs to be said is beyond me because it actually makes things far more complicated. If everyone spoke what was on their mind life would be far simpler because everyone would know where they stood. Guessing games are dangerous because people often guess the wrong answer.

Don't get me wrong because I have so much patience for those that want to learn ad don't understand something. There is a big difference between those that do and those that think they do know, but do not know.

In business dealing with my family I have had to be the ogre on many occasions over riding decisions mainly because they were financially dumb ones and they needed to understand why. This is the only way you can learn via your mistakes, but catching them before they are made is even better for everyone involved. Yes it means stepping on toes with a few hurt feelings, but it is also part of an education where you are trying to help those around you think differently and be aware of the implications of each decision that is made. When livelihoods are at stake you cannot have poor decisions being made because it affects everyone.

When it comes to suppliers I have a fantastic relationship because there is no grey areas and we are an open book from day one on what we expect and if we get close to that point then everyone is happy. When suppliers ask you for the target price you have in mind and when you see the reaction when you tell them you know immediately you are both wasting your time and the meeting can end with both parties going their separate ways. I have spent months before trying to land accounts and the time wasted is not worth the effort and the same applies to those looking to supply you a service.

Every supplier we deal with knows to come via myself first and we find the middle ground where everyone is happy and not favoring one over the other. If I feel the balance is wrong then I will say something and will have me looking for a back up supplier and they know that. When that happens they are already on the out and will be replaced.

Working with family is probably the toughest assignment there is in a business situation because you are flesh and blood and there has also got to be a balance of not being too kind or being too rough. The educating side of things when it comes to how to run the business has been testing, but by being open and honest saying what is on your mind has helped. In the last week alone there were a number of decisions over ridden which left a few unhappy people who in many ways had got too big for their boots too quickly and needed to be bought down to earth with a wake up call. This is all part of the learning that takes place with a few home truths keeping things real.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
