Numbers Numbers Numbers



Over the last couple of days my grandson has been assessed for big school and the report came back that he is interested in numbers and understands calculations already and is ahead of his age group. This is really good news because I am good with numbers and it gives you such an advantage in life. The way my brain works it is perfect for things like crypto which is a real bonus.

I have benefitted whilst sitting across a desk from someone negotiating giving a yes or no answer immediately due to being bale to calculate whether it is a good or bad deal instantly. Working out the costs and profit margins instantly has helped me negotiate some great deals forcing the other persons hand when maybe they would have take more time doing their calculations. If they knew me properly hey would see the crinkles by my eyes because I smile with my eyes whilst trying to keep a straight face.

Sometimes the deals are so good they do come back at a later date trying to renegotiate and they learn very quickly. Those that know me just tell me their cost price and we just negotiate the selling price being fair for both parties. This is not really considered normal, but everyone is happy and these are long lasting business friendships and only happens because this is done fairly splitting the difference down the middle.

My love for numbers never really reflected in school because I would give the correct answer, but along the way would skip out steps which would cost me marks even though the final answer was correct. I used to struggle with this because when looking at a mathematical sum I would somehow just see the answer and now I had to think how I got that answer and work backwards. I think today kids have calculators, but back then we never were allowed them and I rarely use them today.

When I look at what school prepared me for in life I really struggle to see exactly what the point was for some of the things. I understand you are a rounded person having been educated, but at the same time being able to communicate with others in a likeable way along with numbers is what has got me through life. Having the personality that allows you to get on with people you do not even particularly like and they like you I suppose is more of what I am trying to say here. I am just happy my grandson enjoys numbers because I know he will get through life ok as this ability doing numbers is so advantageous.

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Numbers are following us everywhere and some times I feel like specific ones - like 22 - is destined to be part of my world. Knowing math is so imperative in real life and in financial domains.


Yes numbers are crucial for getting through life and making the best out of it.
