Keeping A Secret "Jacks Bistro"


Business Entertainment Strippers And Lots Of Booze

I was reminded about something today that happened many years ago when a work colleague opened his mouth about an event that took place that we all promised to keep quiet about. Thankfully I have experienced some really good work parties and most of them remained a secret besides two events which were let out the bag at the worst time possible.

This occasion we had some Chinese factory owners over for the week and the one task you have is to keep them entertained. If you have ever travelled to China and experienced their hospitality you will know what I mean. The owners spare no expense and whilst you are under their care they go full on party mode. This is why everyone hopes to get an invite on these trips as the only sleep you are likely to get is on the flights over and the return journey. I am not joking it is that bad in a good way. I still wake up hearing the words Gān bēi (干杯) which is cheers in Chinese
and goes on until the bottle of whatever is being drunk is finished before another one miraculously arrives. I have never known people to down their drinks like the Chinese do.

You would be amazed at how many business deals are done whilst drunk and is a kind of ritual.

The three days the owners were with us were non stop and why we hired a small bus and driver. The first night we included all the managers in the company plus some of the admin ladies for a special dinner. There was about 20 of us in total including a few local clients. Once that was done and dusted we dropped them at their homes with one of them complaining why they were being dropped off so early and the answer was ladies first lol. Obviously this was not the case, but you cannot make it too obvious.

The bus ended up hitting a few bars ad night clubs over the next 4 hours before somehow ending up at a strip club. This wet down well with the Chinese who experienced a round the world special. I had no idea about this term, but it is a lap dance with every nationality that was working that night.

I have been to far worse functions than this and even though this was somewhat mild we were sworn to secrecy. I had cash on me that night and even though I sat chatting away I must have loaned out every cent I had to others in the party who had blown what they had on private dances. Drinks were paid for by the company plus anything the Chinese wanted. For those that know strip clubs are not cheap with drinks costing nearly double.

The bill for the evening was not cheap with "Jacks Bistro" being the anonymous strip club bill for company expense purposes sitting at R50K. Then that was the equivalent of $5K ad considering our special dinner had only cost R5K for 20 of us.

This bill was handed to one of the admin ladies who was a book keeper and one we had dropped off earlier in the evening. There was about 5 different receipts from the various bars and clubs, but obviously "Jack's Bistro" stood out because we had already eaten and this was definitely not food.

What I remember is watching guys that don't smoke suddenly smoking to try and disguise the cheap stripper perfume now covering their body and clothes. You could smell this strong perfume odor in the bus and this cracked me up. One guy was worried because his fiancé would smell the perfume, but lucky for him this was now 5am and she would be fast asleep. We had work in 3 hours so he may as well go home and shower then come back to the safety of work.

This event was kept quiet for a good 2 years before one of the guys let it slip during an office meeting when he referred to the strip club and how much the guys spent on private dances over and above the R50K bill. The book keeper was in that meeting and she is known for her gossiping and why she is told nothing. Within days every wife knew and even though you were good it makes no difference because you kept a secret.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The only secret that can be kept is the one with oneself.


Yes this is very true and one other person involved and there is risk.


First of all, loving the thumbnail 🤩😂😂😂💯 Wow, what a story bro. It's crazy how work trips can turn into such wild adventures. I can’t believe how those secrets came out. Looks like a memorable night you ain't forgetting any time soon.. love this blog bro


Lol. I have plenty more all related around work nights out or in one case a week out. Best bond building session you can have with your work mates. So far only 2 have come out from around 5 or 6 rough nights.


Oh no !

That's the bad thing about having to fib about anything that at least one other person knows, you can never be quite positive that it won't come back somewhere in the future and bite you on the hiney.
