Having Eyes In The Back Of Your Head

A few days ago whilst walking through the reception area of our business I noticed someone I recognised. I did a double take because this person had put on weight but the face was familiar. Around 12 years ago we busted a ring of thieves stealing from the company and at first we had no idea how big the ring was until we monitored the cameras watching every move everyone made.

This was a process of elimination over a 3 month period because there is no point in catching a few without taking them all out. We had two Zimbabweans who were the brains and another chap who called himself the money maker. I think he had watched too many films and thought he was untouchable.

Around 30 employees were fired in one hit with various sting operations playing out which also involved one or two retail clients who had in store security watching their cameras. The guy in reception was one of the Zimbabweans behind this scheme and he was here for a reason.

Personally he said he was coming to say hello to the staff, but I believe it was more of a reconnaissance mission to see who was still around. If he was unrecognized by management then no one would know what he is capable of. He was not expecting to see myself and shows how brazen these people are.

My daughter mentioned when I quizzed her that he was there to price various motors which was different from the story he had told me. Firstly I want the business to have no contact with him because he is looking for someone to assist him from inside. Staff should not be put in that position and why we cannot serve him or anyone representing him. My daughter said she would sell items to them making a profit, but in my mind this is short sighted and the risk is too high.

All it takes is one person on the inside to be turned to wreck a business slowly eating away from the inside out. I have seen this before and will not let this happen again and nothing will change my mind on this. Generally people are too soft giving he benefit of the doubt to the individual, but I have my principles and a Leopard does not change their spots.

Back in those days this was a thriving business and slowly over time theft ruined it for everyone else. The business had so called managers in place who were not hands on and delegated their work. This led to staff having authority in areas that they shouldn't have had and why they could get away with so much theft.

I noticed something was not right because the one thig I know is my figures and I know this business having managed and over seen every department. When you have turnover growing monthly and suddenly it drops and continues to drop alarm bells have to be ringing and the managers in charge of their departments did not know their jobs let alone spotting theft.

I was more hands on with the bicycles which somedays never ended and was at work for 72 hours in one go. Eventually I would change my hours and start at 10am and work until 10pm. Bicycle theft happened between 7am and 7.15 am every morning when another manager opened up early leaving the front doors wide open. A complete moron and only when I noticed 30 of the high end bikes missing know there was a serious problem. This was Zimbabweans again being dropped of in a vehicle that then carried away the stolen items and why I will never hire another foreigner ever again because from experience it never ends well.

At the time little did we know that the managers would be fired 3 years later in another sting operation which involved them redirecting clients phoning through to another company they had set up. This is around the time of when the company went into business rescue and I was no longer involved. This is why when this business became available I jumped at it because no one else knows it like I do.

Unfortunately they will try and find a way to infiltrate your set up because this is how they work and why ex employees involved with theft are not allowed on the premises.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Wow, that is pretty crazy. I can't even imagine something quite so elaborate in real life. Maybe in the movies...


Security is king and in business you need to give attention to it in such circumstances. Video cameras, motion sensors and other tools can be used to increase the protection of a property. I bought a piece of land and intend to buy some solar powered video cameras with SIM in order to broadcast images/videos.


Indeed. Trust must be earned. People are so sympathetic towards giving others the benefit of the doubt and this hurts you all the more in the end.


It is a fact that doing business is not easy, many things have to be taken care of, if not taken care of, the business always goes into loss because the people working there have to be looked after a lot so that we there should be no loss to the company.
