COTI Calm Before The Storm


Patience Patience Patience

COTI in this case has the crypto narrative which is privacy and has the technology developed to back it up so in reality COTI is sitting in a very strong position to perform very well in this next Bull Cycle.

There was a month or two of so much happening within the COTI ecosystem with announcements happening every other day bringing so much attention to what was taking place. This next stage will and should be even more intense when Dev Net goes live sometime within the next few weeks as this has been planned for Q2 and there is only 3 weeks left for that to happen.

Many don't realise the importance of this next phase and you cannot have announcements happening every other day without not expecting a lull in proceedings. Things will get noisy again and only expect that after June and not before mainly as now is the time partnerships are taking place and it is too early to make those announcements public.

This is when the real value should start to be seen as the COTI Foundation has been working with key areas earmarked strategically for development. The benefit of having an outsider team handling development rather than the COTI team should definitely make more of an impact because they are covering all angles that a team being involved within a project for so long will not see.


This fund is going to transform how much and the scale of development that takes place because this is the first time COTI is using this.

The beauty about the Dev Net period starting is the tech as already been developed and proven and is more about incorporating that technology within other partnerships finding more use cases. The COTI Foundation has a $100 million development fund to help support developers build what is required to take the new COTI V2 token to the next level.

COTI being an Ethereum L2 token was a big move changing and moving away from a DAG based protocol becoming a privacy based crypto within payments. The likes of Vitalik Buterin has mentioned how important privacy is for Ethereum and this will be the narrative for this Bull cycle.

COTI has been dealing with Banks and Hospitals with regard to their Private Payment Networks (PPN) and from reading between the lines the privacy topic with their concerns was raised. This bought about the need to find a solution ad why the Garbled Circuits was developed which encrypts the private information.

For mass adoption to happen within crypto so much more needs to be developed and created and every time something is created it is one step closer to making this a reality.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


True. The narrative drives a lot of the performance and the main narratives within crypto this bullrun are Bitcoin, AI and Meme.


Yes thus far and see Privacy as the number one narrative within the next 6 months.


That’s a topic too, covered mainly by Bitcoin in my view. If you self custody etc


No this narrative with privacy is more about removing the bots on the ETH blockchain that are scalping. Crypto adoption needs privacy for personal data.


These times are very tough and patient if we are patient, the next year is going to be very good for the market and the prices will go up a lot.
