Boots On The Ground


These numbers are going to rise significantly and South Africa will slowly get their country back. The government needs to fix the economy, unemployment, crime and illegal immigration. Deportations tick 3 of these boxes ad to some extent the economy.

Yesterday whilst dropping our domestic worker s she ca catch her transport knw as a taxi in South Africa she mentioned that the night before they encountered road blocks.

When you think of road blocks in SA you would see hundreds of police with traffic cones cordoning off the road and checking for outstanding traffic fines, expired drivers licenses and car registration discs or cars that are not road worthy. This is the normality of living in South Africa ad can happen on any road which includes free ways or high ways.

The difference with the new coalition government is they are checking your personal documents looking for illegal immigrants. If you have no documents like an identity card that is no problem as they scan your finger prints. Everyone who has been registered will show up so if there is nothing reflecting you will be arrested and deported.

This is the boots on the ground and slowly they are ridding the country of all illegals. Last night 4 people in her taxi were arrested and she said she saw truck loads of people that had been locked up. We do not get to see this and is the total opposite to how the previous government treated this problem as they did very little ad the borders were basically open.

In South Africa which everyone has an identification card that includes finger prints this is a easy way to deport those who should not be in the country. At the same time they are checking the police data base for crimes that they have finger prints, but no matches meaning they are undocumented illegals.

Unemployment and illegals working is the biggest problem SA is facing right now with more than 60% of those under 35 unemployed. The coalition government is following through on their promises which is what the country needs to happen. Reducing the unemployment rate by deporting millions of illegals will also reduce the crime rates so this is an important time for SA now. Crime kills the economy and the stats show the foreigners are the ones stealing the infrastructure like power cables and water pipes.

From seeing how the people around the world are complaining about illegal immigration things need to change and quickly. Thankfully in SA we are not placing illegals in hotels because if that was to happen the government would not last 1 week due to an uprising. The masses would never accept that and the government knows this so why have other countries allowed this to happen?

Over the next 12 months I am hopeful we will see a change across not only SA, but also Europe and the US where more will be deported than arriving and eventually the borders closed moving back to proper entry points only. This is pure madness what we have seen unfold and this has to be all reversed.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Good afternoon and best wishes to all of us.


Now all we need is the youngsters from our local population to take up the jobs vacated by the illegal immigrants!


One of my friend which is into stocks analysis and economics told me that Africa and SA in special will be the next big thing in economic terms. It might not happen tomorrow, but I think there is tremendous value there compared to other economics. Do you invest also in stocks in SA?


No I do not believe this. The JSE which is the local stocks platform is losing listings and has shrunk by more than half in the last few years. There is very few who have confidence in the economy here. Who knows e may be right, but this is very high risk.


Thanks as it is good to have another perspective on this. And not only that, but from someone who is living it.


Amazing that in Europe doing the most basic task of a nation state - protecting your border from unauthorised access - is impossible.
