A Sleeping Giant


Over the next 18 months I see this as the calm before the storm with VeChain due to the use cases they have developed. When I first started out researching VeChain over 2 years ago was looking why the tokens VET and VTHO were not having a higher dollar valuation and this was down to adoption.

One has to understand the VeChain is a dual coin chain with VET and VTHO. VET generates VTHO which is the gas token and the work horse that pays for all the transactions that take place. Roughly 36 million is generated daily every day and this is what pays for every transaction that takes place.

To burn he 36 million VTHO generated daily one would actually need 30% more as 70% is burned and 30% goes to the node operators as rewards. This would the require around 53 million being spent on transactions daily to keep the VTHO supply number from growing.


This number of 77 billion VTHO tokens is seriously big and even if the daily transactions burned the daily supply of 36 million here is the equivalent of another 2149 days to catch up. With my calculations this will grow over the next 18 months and be some where around the 90 billion VTHO circulating supply mark when we hit January 2026.

Lets get back to the umber of accounts as this is important to understand the significance of this period and the next 18 months.

2018 73 321 accounts
2019 181 874
2020 419 069
2021 1 603 293
2022 1 963 245
2023 2 638 268
2024 3 474 619

2024 still has another 194 days remaining and already there have been 836 351 wallets/accounts added thus far. This number could easily be close to a growth of 2 million when we see the end of this year. By the time 2026 arrives this number should be in excess of 6 million or maybe even far higher around 10 million.

Those that follow my posts o VeChain know I stand by my 2026 time line for adoption for this project and maybe an upswing 3-6 months prior to January 2026. This date is all down to the CBAM regulations for the EU and every company having to comply with those regulations.

VeChain is not like any other crypto project and what is different is they have formed partnerships that are doing the marketing work directly with their customer base. They do not make huge announcements on social media and this is all done behind the scenes in the EU Parliament and the United Nations.

VeChain has helped the EU Regulators with the carbon emissions monitoring frame work as they have been recognized as the gold standard with what they have developed and created over the last few years. This is why AWS partnered up with VeChain a few years back because they are the blockchain that will be controlling carbon emissions. Most people think when a partnership is announced you will see instant movement, but this is years in the making and is still coming.

No other crypto has changed their set up like VeChain has with them moving their HQ to San Marino in order to be recognised as non Chinese and more European. The Chinese VeChain is now called NanoJClean yet they are still one and the same. This was done to become more accepted and no other reason and why they will benefit the rewards when the regulations kick off in January 2026.

All the other development they have done will just add to the total number of daily transactions which I see in the tens of millions. This will comfortably burn the daily VTHO supply and start to erode the 90 billion VTHO that would be the circulating supply.


Looking at the daily transactions nothing has changed and will not expected to change for some time and why I monitor this weekly. Maybe if we see the bull market towards the end of next year this price of VET and VTHO could go bonkers especially if we see the uptick in transactions as I expect we will. I still need to accumulate more and will do before June 2025 with a target in mind of 100K VET and 1 million VTHO.

Again this is not financial advice and you need to do you own research and this is down to my 30 month research and where I believe this project is heading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Not financial advice but one wonders if it is not easier just to buy the BTC dips of late as the old girl snorts and stomps at the gate waiting for the race to begin. Soon we will hear that happy phrase, "And they're off!"'; which to the non-equestrian means "number goes up". ;)


Yes that is true, but VET and VTHO are likely to out perform most other cryptos due to the use cases in real life and would prefer to have VET instead of BTC when this happens. The upside is just that much bigger than what BTC offers.


The upside is just that much bigger than what BTC offers.

Only time will answer that one. It has performed very well since my interest perked in 2013. Think is was around $36/BTC but correct me if wrong.

Screenshot 2024-05-01 022735.png


Yes 11 years ago and why I think you have to seriously research to find the gems that will out perform everything else now. I have no doubt we will see a $1 million Bitcoin in the future. I had the chance back in early 2010 to buy Bitcoin and knew about it before in 2009. At the time I thought it would go to $1 lol thinking it was an alternative payment method and not an investment. I suppose the people I was dealing with back then were too early and we did not understand Bitcoin. It was thought of as an alterative to PayPal.


Yeah it was no wizardry that got me my bag. A fellow programmer friend was down on his luck at that time and there were four rooms which were rented out at my place. He was in his room banging out BTC on a graphics card (possible at that time) and when we'd share beers, pizza or occasionally lending him my credit care to buy something online, he would always ask if he could pay in BTC. We obliged our old friend. "It's cool tech but it's not money", was my mantra at the time. He moved in on social assistance and moved out a millionaire leaving a trail of BTC in his wake..


Lol. I have heard similar stories where a guest house owner was paid in BTC probably around about the same time period as you and is seriously wealthy now. The frustrating part which doesn't bug me any more is I knew about this when it was 3 for 1c and even mentioned it that I need to buy some to help get rid of the controls PayPal had on ebay. I closed that business down in 2011 and if that had remained open we would have used Bitcoin. I think this is why I push so hard now as this is the 2nd opportunity having missed the first one.


My feeling is that we are still on the ground floor of BTC. Do not take my feelings as financial advice. ;)


I think so too if you think it only needs to do 16 x to hit $1 million and it won't stop there either. For me to get to where I need to be I need to get ahead quicker and why I am always looking for the next one to possibly do a 20 or 50 or even 100 x whilst holding a significant stake. COTI is my main bag outside of HIVE and I hope it does a 30- 50 x over the next 18 months which gets me back in the game.


I think the steady increase in accounts and their carbon emissions framework could really set them apart in the long run.


They will be the first crypto to break out on their own not following Bitcoins path. Only then will people realise how big this is and the price will rocket.


Yes indeed, the early adopters are going to get a huge pay day


Not really the pay day but what you could earn monthly from your stake. I value that far higher than the immediate profits because it gives you a proper monthly income that you never have to worry about again. If everyone had this as their goal they would be so much better off than just thinking of spending what they make. My initial goal is $10K monthly income and to be honest it is not that hard once the foundations are laid.


Wow bro you're right on this strategy a monthly income is better that a big pay off


Nice analysis. Let's see what will follow on this project.


I was looking at my account just this morning and it looks like I am closing in on 100K VTHO. It's not a ton, but it is growing every day.
