I am still very much in the experimental stages of AI art. Most of the time I make renderings based on how I feel at that moment, other times I make renderings based on ideas that I have had in my head for many years, but regardless of what motivates me, I know with AI I can make that video or artwork a reality. I use a program called Fooocus, and Fooocus has many many art styles to choose from, So regardless of my mood or feelings, there is a art style for that. This video is a collection of moods and feelings that I have had for the last several months, most of the renderings were just sitting around on my hard drive so for the NewYear I decided to finally use them in something, and start new ones for next year. So since my feelings tend to change every day, so does my tastes, So in this video you will find some Dark Steampunk and Gothic images with some ghosts and scary clowns thrown in. I also like apocalyptic art, so I threw some of that in too. This video has no theme or direction, it's just a hodgepodge of feelings and emotions. I used an online AI music maker to make the music, Cog Studio to make the animations and OpenShot video editor to do the editing. Hope you all enjoy, and Happy New Year!